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Ex girlfriends keeps calling me every night?

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    Ex girlfriends keeps calling me every night?

    My ex and I broke up 5 months ago. I was the one who got dumped for numerous reasons: kind of cheated on her by kissing another girl in a club, by being too clingy, needy, emotional the last 2 weeks before the breakup etc. Pretty much deserved it.

    So long story short, she basically started calling me every night at like 10-12pm the last week or two. The first converstation we had was basically just me apologizing for being a moron before our breakup occured and told her that i fully understand now why she dumped me. She's been continuing to call me every night since then and we've just been having a really nice, fun phone conversations.

    My question is, why has she been calling me late at nite? She didn't mention what her real intentions are. I just don't want to seem clingy or needy again. I know she doesn't have a boyfriend and isn't activly searching for one, but I do want to be with her again since i still love her.

    It's really weird to me that she only calls me at like 10-12 pm. I know she usually finishes work at like 9pm most of the days but still..

    By the way, she also called me last night yesterday but i had to hang up since i was really busy and told her that i would call her back the next day. However, she replied with: "don't - i will call you tomorrow myself when i'm not busy". She sounded kind of mad.. i'm not even sure.. Opinions?

    Have you called your ex boyfriend late at night and if so, why do you do it?

    kind of cheated? Anyway, only reason I've ever called an ex late at night was to ask him to come over to hook up right after breaking up. Now any contact is wishing them happy birthday via tet or ask something relating to mutual hobby. This is twice a year. Based on your message she sounds lonely. Maybe she feels weird about how things ended and she misses talking to someone. You don't have to accept to eb a shoulder if you don't want to.

    What do you want? Get back togetger? Hook up with her? Be friends? Not be in any contact? If you don't want her to contact you tehn block her. For the others...ask her. Flat out ask why she is calling you. You have nothing to lose.


      Originally posted by Dardoch View Post
      My question is, why has she been calling me late at nite?
      I'm not a mind reader so I suggest you ask her why she does that. It could be some sort of pay-back, though. If you still love her, then I suggest you tell her that, too. But I think it's just some sort of pay-back. If it is bothering you, why don't you just put your phone on silent? If it's not, ask the appropriate questions to her. We honestly don't know for sure...
      Distance means nothing when someone means everything.


        You know what? I'm actually gonna try to ignore her call for the first time tonight and see how she reacts to that. I have a feeling it will drive her nuts won't it? I read in the book that if you start moving on and caring less the more attracted women become towards you. People want what they can't have afterall... I just feel like ignoring her next couple calls will make her finally open up and let me know what her real intentions are and make her admit whether she misses me or not. I have a feeling that she doesn't even know herself what she wants yet and i gotta wait a bit once she figures it out herself. She's probably just trying to analyze me and see whether i've changed since our break up which happened 5 months ago, and whether it's worth a shot trying to reconcile or not.. I think the best thing to do for me is just to stay calm and act like a man and not like a needy, clingy guy i used to be to make her respect me a bit more.. Just my thoughts..


          That might not even be a bad idea...
          If you want her back and to be open to you, may be it works...
          Distance means nothing when someone means everything.


            i am understanding that you want to get back together? would there be an option of telling her that you feel like she doesn't know what she wants from you and ask her to take a week to think about things. then have a good talk. I feel like honest talk has less risk of backfiring and better for building trust. somehow ignoring to make her want you more makes it sound a bit like a game.

