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If girl talks little while chatting, will she be the same while talking in person?

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    If girl talks little while chatting, will she be the same while talking in person?

    The girl i'm currently chatting with basically every other day, always responds with very short 1-3 word short replies. At first i thought that she's not interested at all cause girls usually act like that when they don't care and want you to stop contacting them right? I asked her if she's like this with everyone and she told me yes... So i'm not even sure anymore if she's just shy or.. The thing is, she always responds to my questions, doesn't matter how frequently i text her. We haven't met yet so I asked her today: "on a scale 1 to 10, what are the chances that we are getting a coffe together anytime soon?" and she replied with 6-7 ) So i can assume she's somewhat interested in me. I just wonder why are her replies so short even to open-ended questions? I just hope she won't act the same during our first date if that happens...

    It depends on the person, how long you've been dating, what stage of dating you're in, a lot of factors. I know some people can be way more talkative in person than on messaging apps, and there are people who will write you a novel but when you talk in person they go mute.
    It sounds like you guys are in an early stage of I don't think she is too invested in you. It could change once you meet in person. Or she just might not be the type to do messenger. What if you call her?
    How far away are you guys? I think the sooner you can meet her in person, the sooner you can gauge whether she's someone you would want to spend time getting to know. Everyone is different, but some people aren't going to feel a spark unless they meet in person.
    Last edited by paperplane; April 17, 2018, 11:18 AM.

