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International Couple

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    International Couple

    I am a chinese indonesian woman dating a singaporean man. We met in university when i was studying abroad in Singapore and now i'm back in Indonesia for good. He visits me once a month. He is planning to move to Indonesia to be with me but the problem is we are struggling with money but i'm sure he is the one for me. He has a job that only pays him $1200 a month and i am currently doing odd jobs just to make ends meet. I am wondering, is there any couple out there with the same struggles that we face and did they succeed in finally closing the distance?

    Oh dear, the struggle is real! I am a russian expat living in Germany/England right now and my bf is an Argentinian studying in Buenos Aires. Right now I am the one who works, so at least I can allow me to visit him few times a year, but moving together is not possible till he will finish his studies and have a job. And i also dont want to put him in a bad situation, because mostly its me who pays for visits and all the "extras" of the time together. But we are now together since more than 5 years and I hope to close the distance the coming year, so its possible if you invest a bit time and understanding. I have the feeling that for men who were raised more"traditional" its really important to be able to manage a relationship economically, so even if for me it is definitely of no importance what so ever, i pay attention to his feelings about it.

    Good luck dear!

