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Post-visit depression?

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    Post-visit depression?

    Does anyone else feel insanely sad and empty after visiting their significant other? I just came back from a perfect visit with my boyfriend, and everything feels wrong without him now. I feel like something is missing without him and am having a hard time finding things to fulfill me. I can’t stop craving the moments we had together during our visit. Has anyone else experienced post-visit depression/ have any advice on how to cope? Thanks!

    insanely sad? No, but I do miss her a lot for a few days which is normal. What you're describing is a bit extreme.


      I used to get sad, not clinically depressed, but in the days that immediately followed a visit, I would miss Frank so much, because I had gotten a bit of what I was missing. What really helped was having a solid plan for our next visit. It was worse when we didn’t know exactly when we would see each other again. Also, sometimes Frank would leave a shirt with me that smelled like him, which was nice. Otherwise, it is good to get back into your normal routine after a visit and not wallow too much. It’s normal to feel sad after a visit, but if you find yourself actually depressed (not wanting to eat, not wanting to get out of bed, not finding joy in things that normally bring you joy, etc...) then that is not normal and you will want to talk to your doctor.
      Read my LDR story!


        Well, I perfectly understand what you are feeling! You passed wonderful honeymoon´ish time together and now you are back to routine and everything sucks. I guess its a normal part of this all. I am just back from a three months visit of my SO and its not a clinical depression, but i feel like i cant get back on track in my life without him. I have to force myself to go out even to buy bread, work is more annoying than usual and any social interaction is a pain in the a*.

        Hold on, better times are coming


          I understand exactly what you described feeling. It�s very difficult to accept that someone I love is far away too. Nothing really compares to that feeling of completeness after physically being with the person you love, and then having to leave them. Almost like part of my soul was left behind with him. It�s because in our minds we know that we are meant to be with that person, and its hard to accept a life apart from them. I know it�s not an easy situation, but I hope you find strength in the knowledge that you are not alone in feeling that way. Take one day at a time, and try to look for things that you enjoy to fill your time. Look ahead to better times, and try to work on planning your next visit together. 😊

