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I meet him for the first time tomorrow! Any advice or words of wisdom?

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    I meet him for the first time tomorrow! Any advice or words of wisdom?

    So! Only one day to go till I see the man I've been talking too for over a year.

    Any advice or words of wisdom when it comes to first visits?

    (Just some quick background, we've been talking since February last year. Decided in April we would be officially romantic and have talked every day since. Meeting up in his hometown and sharing a hotel room together over the weekend. Which feels way too short of a time but unfortunately we can't commit to longer due to work commitments and financial circumastances)

    So I don't have to type it out again



      Yay! I’m so excited for you!

      Advice... it’s okay to feel nervous or even shy when you first meet in person even though you’ve been talking to this person for so long online and on the phone! Because you know each other well, you will quickly warm up though Don’t overplan your visit with loads of activities or meeting all his friends and family in this visit. There will be more opportunities in the future for that. This first visit is mostly about spending time together and solidifying your relationship.

      Have fun!
      Read my LDR story!


        Too cute! Thanks for sharing!


          Thanks for the advice ☺


            A weekend feels short, but it's definitely a good start! It's enough time to get to know each other in person and figure out if there are any major issues that might otherwise prevent you from having a relationship (very rare). On the safety side, it's short enough that if something goes wrong, or if one or both of you really don't want to stay (for whatever reason), you aren't forced to stick around for a long period of time. Hopefully all goes well and you'll be looking forward to your next visit shortly afterwards.

            Be yourself and remember that sometimes it takes a while to bridge the gap between physical and emotional love at first. Best wishes!
            Canadian permanent residence APPROVED!
            Closed the Distance: 09/26/2019
            Engaged: 09/26/2020

