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The two of us don't love each other...

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    The two of us don't love each other...

    Hello. I am new here, and I am in desperate need of help (._.)

    My so and I have been in an open relationship for a year and five months now.

    We've both had a LDR with someone before. However, he is less experienced than I am. His first girlfriend was in highschool and iirc, didn't last long. His second relationship was long distance and lasted for three months.
    I've had 3 "official" relationships before. The first one lasted for two years, the second one lasted for about a year, and the last one, we were officially together for only a month, but after that we've been in an open relationship for 3 years. So being in an open relationship isn't new to me.

    He has been open about how much he wants us to be "official" but I told him we should wait until we've met and talk about it irl. And so we did. He visited me last month and stayed for 23 days. We forgot to talk about it irl so we had the talk online instead.
    He said that he doesn't mind remaining in an open relationship. I asked him what changed his mind and he said he might've felt insecure before, and now that we've met in person, that insecuity went away.

    The commitment is there but the label isn't. And this decision is mutual.

    We've been through a lot already. Never have I ever thought I'd send nudes to anyone or try sexting. But I did with him and vv.
    I was his first too. We traveled, we fought, we went on dates, exchanged gifts, he cried when we fought, we got hurt by some of our actions. Heck, he even said he can picture himself growing old with me and that he has me in mind when he thinks about his future.

    Here's the problem: we like each other but we don't love each other. I don't feel the kind of spark I did with my past relationships with him and it makes me question whether we'd actually last. I'm already in my late twenties and I don't want to waste more time (._.) He's male and he's still in his early twenties. IDK..I just have a lot of anxieties as to whether this relationship is going anywhere.

    If you've been together over a year you should have a feeling by now one way or the other. How do you feel when you imagine not being with him? That should give you a strong indication. Try not to let your anxiety drive you. Twenties aren't that old, you have a lot more time so don't force yourself.

