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The perfect or not so perfect reunion

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    The perfect or not so perfect reunion

    Hi Guys,

    New to this forum but I have a situation that I would like some opinions.

    I have been in a LDR with my man for 5 years now. I have booked a trip to visit him in a couple months, travelling from Australia to the UK and by the time the day arrives it will be 1 year since we've seen each other. The most convenient/cheapest time for me to travel means that I'll be arriving in the UK on a Saturday when he is usually playing cricket. Note he is passionate about the game, plays in a high league and is a real team player.

    Anyway when I booked I didn't think it would be an issue that he travelled 1.5hrs from cricket to come and collect me from the airport but I have since found out that he is not missing cricket and have asked that I find my own way and meet him there.

    The extra travel time isn't my issue it's the fact we haven't seen each other for 12 months he doesn't want to sacrifice cricket to meet me at the airport. I have children and am sacrificing my time with them to be with him. He says he would love to come and get me but he can't just leave a game part way through or skip it altogether. Am I being unreasonable to feel hurt and slightly unimportant? Or should I just accept the fact that that is how it's going to be and get on with being excited to see him again. Would love to hear some guys opinions too who are particularly mad about their sport.


    You’re human, of course it would hurt your feelings when you assumed he would drop the game to come get you and have a perfect, happy reunion. My feelings would be hurt too. To be fair, since he had prior commitments and never agreed to cancel them before you booked your trip, he shouldn’t be expected to. Going forward, have better communication when discussing trip plans and discuss what your expectations are; ask before you book if he is able to pick you up.
    Read my LDR story!


      I understand that you are hurt. Th thing is though that to you it is "just a game" and to him it is a lot more. If you play in higher leagues you are commited to the team and you don't just skip games. He also never promised to pick you up, you assumed. I know you are hurt, but it is unfair to make comparisons on the time you are sacrifising and what you think he isn't. You are enttiled to your feelings but I don't think you should compare this with not caring and try to concentrate all the fun stuff you get to do.

