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Language barrier, 2000 miles, hes busy, my parents dont know

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    Language barrier, 2000 miles, hes busy, my parents dont know

    I'm 14 and have no clue what to do
    I met him on Twitter. I know what you are thinking; she's 14 and doesn't know what she wants. I'm homeschooled, so he and all my friends are online, and it's unlikely I'll ever meet someone else like him. He's not a teen who's bad, I told him I liked him. He likes the same cartoons as me, he likes reading, and has a good sense of humor. He's smart, and wants to be an astrologist.
    But he speaks spanish. I speak english.
    He knows a little english, but he's not good at it. And his parents know about me, but I've yet to tell mine, because even though my mom might let me Skype and keep chatting, she'll have to tell my dad, and he most likely would not be happy. He's big on internet safety, even though this guy has YouTube videos and pics on his Twitter. He's 15, btw. He's not gross, and doesn't ask me strange questions. I want to tell my parents without fear, and I want to Skype without a language barrier. We have so much in common, and it's highly unlikely that I will ever meet someone as great and caring and cute as him, especially when in homeschooled.

    Oh, he's also super busy with school and his audition to be Spider-Man, so we haven't really talked in about a month


      I'm assuming you mean astronomist (someone who studies space), not an astrologist (those people who predict your future using star signs...)

      Anyway, if your biggest concern is your father on Internet safety, you could tell your parents and invite them to speak to this boy over Skype, which would reinforce your father that your friend isn't any trouble. His insecurity on the Internet is mostly due to the unknown of the Internet (it's a shady place haha), so break the unknown, have your father speak to him and hopefully all will be fine).


        Thank you actually I just told them and they were fine with it😁


          Cool! Hope you all the best

