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Boyfriend moving to Oz from UK. Help!

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    Boyfriend moving to Oz from UK. Help!

    Hi everyone, so my boyfriend is moving to Oz for 1/2 years in a few weeks. We’ve been together for nearly a year and recently ended things because we both felt it would be too difficult to keep things going. I’m scared to try, I’m scared that I won’t be there for him if something goes wrong, I’m scared that the distance will ruin us. But he’s so optimistic about everything and he wants us to try. He wants us to take the chance but I don’t know if I can. I’m too scared to lose him whilst we’re so far apart. But I know deep down, we’re meant for each other. He is 28 and I’m 26. We’re both from London and met at uni but only got together a year ago.

    Well 6 months long distance is quite short to be honest. I've been on and off long distance for over 2 years and a half. Some of us here have been LD for more than that. So i would say, do not throw everything away just for 6 months.
    It might make you both closer. You will discover new ways to communicate and it is a good test for a couple to know whether or not it is meant to be. I would say, go for it.
    - I'll be waiting for you -

    Started talking: December 2015
    First meeting: December 2016
    Second meeting: May 2017 - August 2017
    Third meeting: Septembre 2017 - January 2018
    Engaged: December 2017
    Fourth meeting: May 2018 - August 2018
    Fifth visit: December 2019
    Wedding: September 2019


      Sorry when I wrote 1/2 years I meant 1 or 2 years, not half a year. I should have been clearer. Realistically we could see each other every 6 months, it’s just so scary.


        Being LD is tough. I won't lie to you. Especially if you do not know when it will end. Unless you both discuss your future goals together and how closing the distance will work, it might make it difficult.

        Visiting every 6 months is quite good. This is what me and my SO do and it gets hard but we have something to look forward to at least.

        If you want a LD, you have to make sure this is what you want. It costs not only a lot of money, but also slightly more work than a close distance relationship since the only thing keeping the both of you together is basically communication.

        But at the end of the day, real love is supposed to be stronger than everything. So, if you really love him and do not see your life without him, maybe you should try to keep it working.

        I wish you all the best!
        - I'll be waiting for you -

        Started talking: December 2015
        First meeting: December 2016
        Second meeting: May 2017 - August 2017
        Third meeting: Septembre 2017 - January 2018
        Engaged: December 2017
        Fourth meeting: May 2018 - August 2018
        Fifth visit: December 2019
        Wedding: September 2019

