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    Hi, I need some advise. My boyfriend lives in the US and i�m from the Philippines. We were introduced by a common friend (She has family here in the Philippines. But She is now working in the US).

    Is it really normal (since I don�t know the culture and actions of the people raised there) that they really hanging out every day after work? As per my boyfriend, the girl is just a friend and him and his family is considering her as part of the family as well. Did I mention that the girl is living with his parents?

    PS: The girl and I is no longer friends, since she her niece told me (before my bf and i became official) that she was trying and looking for another girl to introduce with him.

    Hi and welcome. Sounds like she is a long time family friend, if she introduced you two, she's not interested in him. It is possible to be friends with someone you're not dating. I wouldn't overthink it and trust your boyfriend.


      Hi, thank you! I just feel like I am not his priority. I mean, yeah, i understand work... but we agreed that every Sat (US time) and Sun (PH time) would be our skype date. to catch up, to talk.. (yeah we do talk every now and then every week days, but it’s just like short talk since either of us is at work or something) that days are the only time we are available and all. I just don’t understand... he is always making plans to go out with her even on the days we agreed to have that skype date, they are like going out on a weekdays too. I don’t know.... it is really really hard to understand especially I am hearing stuff from the girls’ family here that they think his mom and some of her nieces also thinks that the girl has a crush on my bf. I already told my bf about that for him to understand why i’m acting like this. that’s why we come up to this agreement that every time they go out he needs to update their whereabouts and as for me, as far as I hate the fact that they are hanging out, I need to accept that they are friends and his parents is treating her as family... but they again, there are moments that he is not messanging me at all when they’re together. Should I ignore and like be cool on everything? What would you guys do when you’re on my situation? ��
      Last edited by itmustbelove; May 26, 2018, 08:47 PM.


        It sounds like he's not making you a big priority. I get that your partner needs to have their own life, but asking for one night a week to yourselves is pretty reasonable. However, almost everything fun happens on Saturday night here. Have you guys talked about a different day that might work better?

        What does your own instinct tell you?


          No, we haven’t talked about changing the day, and he agreed on that deal too. So, i don’t know...

          I know that she is just a friend to him, because he said that to me and I choose to believe him. It’s just the lack of time for me, for us... I don’t understand. I’m starting to feel that he is having fun with someone else that is now talking to be is now an option.


            I comprehend that envy is a piece of being human, but at the same time it's genuinely humiliating. To me, it has dependably appeared like an indication of shortcoming. It's urgent, clingy, and ugly—and in all honesty, it just feels fundamental. Like, in case I'm as far as anyone knows the dynamic, free-adoring, flippant millennial whom I seem, by all accounts, to be on Instagram, shouldn't I be above desire?

