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Finally Being Seen

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    Finally Being Seen

    I'm not going to say my name nor the boy I fell in love with's name. Instead I'm going to call us Romeo and Juliet, but minus the fact that, that story ends with them both dying in the end. My story's different. I met Romeo at school, and at first I thought "Wow, he's super cute, but he'll never go for a shy and unpopular girl like me." I never thought I'd be so happy about being wrong. He was from Brazil. Tall, handsome, and had wild dark brown hair. He was the most perfect person I'd ever seen. His looks were enough to draw me in right then and there. The first time I had ever talked to him was when there was a group of us sitting outside working on a group project. I sat in the circle, quiet, because I surrounded by girls who were way prettier than me, and who obviously wanted him. I didn't think I had a chance, so I just kept to myself.
    One day we were assigned as biology partners. I my luck had finally come. We began to talk and laugh about almost everything. and who doesn't love talking to a hot boy with an accent. I fell in love with the way he spoke. Not just because he had an accent, but because he spoke of things, and made them be so much more beautiful. I loved the way he squinted his eyes when he smiled, or that one dimple on the corner of his mouth. I fell in love with him every time I saw him. Days went by, soaring through the months of endless conversations and the enjoyment of each others company. One day, after he graduated, he asked me to meet him in our spot.(This trail in the woods at the school) I went and that's where we had our first kiss. I don't think two people could have fit together so perfectly. Then he told me he loved me.
    The time came when he would finally go home. I drove him to the airport, and cried in his arms before he got on his plane. We wrote to each other twice a week. Then time began to pass by, and we hadn't spoken for a while. After a bit, we gave up on long distance relationship, and went our separate ways. Five years went by. I was in my third year in college when I ran into him at one of my best friends reunions parties. He had moved to the U.S. We married two months after that. We have now been together sixteen years and have two beautiful girls. Priseis, and Ayanna. My mother and his. Never allow yourself to give up on love. (This was written by my mother. My name is Priseis)
    Last edited by writer13; May 26, 2018, 01:49 PM.

    Sounds like a fairytale It's feels good to read such sweet stories.

