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How do I cope with 2 year minimal sight and contact

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    How do I cope with 2 year minimal sight and contact

    My girlfriend are crazy in love, everything was perfect. We met in school, we became best friends nearly instantaneously. We were best friends for months and we were only getting closer. I started developing feelings for her, I fell flat on my face for her. The love is something so perfect, we can make fun of each other, calling each other names, reading one seconds acting like the closest of friends, and holding each other closer than ever another moment. But if only love were that easy, of course there's a but. One day we made a mistake, we snuck out. She ended up getting caught, her parents were very upset. And told my mom I was no longer to come over to their house. Which you know I could deal with, but then her parents upped the anty. Her parents don't want us seeing each other at all, they have cut communication to texting a couple hours a day. I'm trying hard to earn her parents trust back, but it's not going to well. So as of now things will probably remain like this for 2 years until shes of age to emancipate herself. There has been some hope, her father is calming down. He's been reading our messages and sees how much I care about her. He even let her use his phone to talk to me, which considering just a few days ago. He was talking about killing me, and having me arrested. So I just want advice how to make it through this, and maybe even how to earn her parents trust back.

    That's a tough situation friend but you may have a chance at winning their trust back. You will need lots of patience and be very persistent and consistent with the way you approach your girlfriend while her parents are not trusting of you. Its a good sign that they are relaxng with her using the phone with you, there's no right way about it, you need to keep showing how much you care about her and showing that you are a man of responsibility who can prove to them that you can look after their daughter. It's going to take time and I don't know what her parents are like but if they care about her as much as you do, they just want to make sure that she is safe with someone like you and she's not going to be taken advantage of in any unwanted way. Put yourself in their shoes and think if you had a daughter , what would you expect of your daughter's partner. Be that person. Unfortunately you may also have to accept the possibility that they may never trust you again also, unless she chooses you over her parents things may turn sour. These are the things you have to consider. Good luck!


      Dude, age of emancipation is 16 in most states, that makes her 14. You're 18. Maybe you need to leave this one and find someone closer to your age. JMHO but I'm not surprised by her father's reaction.


        You are young and what you've described sounds like infatuation, especially given your age. It is easy to fall into the trap of believing that you're destined to be together and that nothing matters more than the love you feel right in this moment, but it is much harder to look ahead and see the changes that will be coming to both your lives in the next few years and to realize that without solid framework for your relationship, you will be unable to maintain those feelings. If you can't maintain communication, it is unlikely that you will be able to maintain your relationship for very long before one or both of you loses interest.

        You need to respect her parents' wishes first and foremost. Showing respect is a great way to earn and keep their trust. That means following their rules and not sneaking around behind their backs. Also, please be careful, ESPECIALLY if she's 14, as RWhiz pointed out. There are enormous differences in cognitive development between early and late teens in terms of maturity, critical thinking, and ability to foresee the consequences of your actions, which is why age of consent is a thing.
        Canadian permanent residence APPROVED!
        Closed the Distance: 09/26/2019
        Engaged: 09/26/2020


          How old is she? Her dad talking bout getting you arrested makes it sound like she is below the age of concent. Also waiting till she is emancipated indicates that she is not gonna be 18 any time soon. I'm no expert but I doubt a court will emancipate a minor based on "my dad doesn't like my boyfriend".
          If she is really under 16 years old then I would advice you to go your separate ways and maybe once she is 18 have a cup of coffee and see it it will work out.

          Anyways, assuming your relatinship is legal and not morally questionable. And you really want to make it work. then my advice is that follow the dads rules. Show that you respect their rules and keep texting. They might come around.

