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What do we do?

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    What do we do?

    Hey guys, I don't exactly know what I am hoping to get from this thread, but maybe there is somebody who went through a similar situation or just has some advice. Me and my boyfriend have been together for the past 3 years. But since last summer it has gotten very hard, we had bought tickets for the entire summer for me to visit him and in june I found out that my father is very sick, I had to stay in my country. We somehow dealt with that and my boyfriend came to see me for 5 days in december. Now, right before I have to leave see him again, the results come back saying my father's disease is getting worse. Of course I have to stay here. Along with this ongoing family tragedy we also have to deal with almost not seeing each other for 2 years, he doesn't know when he can come, nothing is for sure. Seems like we are just loosing hope completely, we don't know how to keep this relationship strong anymore, cause this meeting was all we have been waiting for. Do you have any advice on how to cope with this? How to not give up on our relationship?
    P.S- we have 3 years of long distance left