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How to cope with LDR depression

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    How to cope with LDR depression

    I’ve been in a long distance relationship for over a year, he’s not actually my boyfriend because we have at least a year till I’d be able to see him regularly, and we didn’t want to put a strain in our relationship before we get a real shot of being together. But I just got to spend a weekend with him, and while I was leaving I was trying not to cry and then throughout my whole day I was busy and with other people but I felt like crying. I came home that night and cried all night and couldn’t sleep same thing today. And I don’t know how to get this feeling to go away because I just had an amazing time and I’m so thankful but I feel more depressed than happy.

    My boyfriend of 5 years (have been doing long distance for 3 years now) just left after spending 2 weeks at home with me. Speaking as someone who has been in an ongoing LDR, I can say the pain of leaving really never gets better. The long distance depression always sets in after he leaves and people around me can always always tell whenever he's left because of how low I am all of a sudden. The sadness never really goes away, it only gets numb as you get busier and busier with your own life away from your SO- as sad as that is I find it's the only way to cope. I find it really difficult to completely immerse myself in our relationship whenever he's back with me because I'm always afraid of getting to attached to him being physically with me; we had the best time together these past 2 weeks and I completely forgot the fact he was leaving so soon, so now it's really hit me like a ton of bricks and I feel like it's back to day 1 of our LDR where I left for university in the US and he was still back home. I feel like crying all the time and I can't concentrate at work. I just think of him and how much I miss him, and it's just a constant, constant pain in my chest. I think women feel the pain differently to men; I know my boyfriend's sad about leaving as well but I don't think he will ever completely understand that complete depression of being away from the person you love as much as I do. And I think it only comes down to how emotionally attached we get to them (and this is just a fact, we have more hormones than men so we feel our emotions more). Hang in there. If you love him things will work out and you will find your way back to one another.

