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How to deal with so much disappointment?

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    How to deal with so much disappointment?

    Lately some friends and fellow LDR couples I follow have all been finally meeting this summer. I'm so very happy for them and while it's lovely to see them happy, it also makes me sad that there has been so many times where it hasn't worked out for me and my boyfriend. We've been together for a little over a year and I think we've tried to make plans to meet up about 4-5 times, none of which have worked. We've gotten SO close, so many times, but it's either a money issue or a timing issue. We live in different countries and are both in school so the cost of a visit isn't cheap and finding time off isn't easy.

    We are very lucky in the fact that we have an end date to work toward but that won't be for another year (he's moving here for school and going to start his career here after graduating) But the thought of waiting a year to see him kills me. I was starting to plan a trip to visit him toward the end of this year but things seem to be up in the air again due to money issues on my side, and honestly I kinda broke down tonight over it. I know long distance isn't suppose to be easy but how do you deal with so much disappointment? How can I look to the future and stop dwelling on all the times things didn't work out? I've never wanted anything more than to be with him. He's worth fighting for and I truly do believe he is the one. I'm just finding it extremely difficult to push through knowing there's a whole year ahead of us before we're finally united. I feel burnt out.
    Last edited by sarahendipity; July 2, 2018, 02:06 AM.

    How about instead of one of you flying to see the other one, decide to meet somewhere in the middle. It’s what I did and it worked out just fine. We spent to weeks together in a place where non of us have ever been to and it was honestly the best time of my life.

