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I have never had a face time with my girlfriend for 5months, is it normal?

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    I have never had a face time with my girlfriend for 5months, is it normal?

    Hi, guys. First, pls unterstand my bad English. I am not a native English speaker.
    I have been with my gf for 1year and half. But for 5months, we couldnt have been together since she went back home in Canada and I live in Korea. It is 13hour time difference. What I have been really stressed about is that we never had video call since she left Korea. Even though she says 'I love you' 3-4 times a week, and will come back to Korea in a month, it is strange that she never wanted to have a video call. I know she is very busy helping her dad's farm work and her university and with family stuff. I understand she wanna spend more time with her family cos she has to leave home soon again to take teaching job in Korea..
    We message everyday and phone call twice a week. And she sends her pics sometimes. But that we never had face time doesnt make sense for me.
    What do you think?
    Last edited by hanap1111; July 16, 2018, 12:31 AM.

    Some people just don't think of it. Have you asked her to video chat with you? Maybe she thinks you don't want to video chat. You've seen each other in person so there's no worry about knowing who she is. If this is something that's bothering you, you should talk about it with her.
    Canadian permanent residence APPROVED!
    Closed the Distance: 09/26/2019
    Engaged: 09/26/2020


      You should just talk to her and let her know how you feel! You've been together in person and have been together for a while so you should feel comfortable letting her know what you want


        Have you asked her to video chat and she refuses? Some people aren't comfortable with video chat. It took me a while, but now I'm a pro at skyping 😂 I liked to do other things when talking on the phone and couldn't do that with video and it made me a bit self conscious. Me and my bf were together for 4 years before we started to video chat and were wondering why we didn't do this earlier.

