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I am not his priority. But he loves me

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    I am not his priority. But he loves me

    Hi, I just entered a ldr its been 10months. We never met. Our relationship is running smoothly we talk hours on the phone. Even when he is working he has time to talk to me. Then this August things change, we had a little misunderstanding and he told me he is busy and he wanted a cool off, to put our relationship on hold. he said he has no time to spare for me, work and himself is his major priority. I ask him do you still love me? His answer was yes. Then why do we need to end this if we still love each other, I said. Just as I told you before my time is for myself and for my work, I'm really sorry this is all my fault, he answered. We were both crying at this point. But still I refuse, do you want to lose me? Do you not love me? Then he said I love you and i don't want to lose you... But I have no time I am busy, I can't even spend my time wirh you. We talk less and I go home late. Are you willing to wait for me? It might take a long time for me to give my all. I do really love you, remember that. then i answer him, yes I'm willing to wait , i really do love you and dont ever push me away....... We are still together, still inlove. We still send sweet messages every day but we talked less on the phone. did i made the right decision? Does he trully loves me? Or does this relationship is an one sided love? Just anyone had this similar experience? Thank you.

    I think that's totally normal even if it's hard to accept that's the most hard thing about long distance relationship and it's so scary, because we don't live together ' same country, city, ....' and even time zone can be different.But you have to be patient.You said that it has been 10 months.It's been three years for me and my boyfriend and both are very devouted to our jobs.But that doesn"t mean we don't love each other.Just be patient and a good communication with him will help without crying and blaming try to have a serious conversation and don't be clingy.Good luck!


      I want to visit him. But he told me, he will schedule it. But until now he doesn't have a date. He lives is the province and i'm in the city. I am willing to travel to his place but he told me he is busy , the right time will come for that date, just wait. Its been 10 months but still no date. I do love him a lot so I wait. But sometimes I do feel that he doesn't want to meet me and he is contented in our ldr.


        Yes, it is possible that he really does care about you and is just needing time to focus on work and things. How've you two been?

