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Kinda concerned

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    Kinda concerned

    I’m in a very long distance relationship, as in different continent long. I’ve been in my relationship nearly 3 and we never really have any problems, bar when I first went to meet him I got a message from someone he obviously knew trying to rat him out about something which I didn’t believe fully because I trust him but it’s something that’s always been kept on my mind because I feel like there’s someone around him that wants us apart. That was the only time I’ve seen him so far, due to how expensive flights are.

    This is going to sound reduculous because it’s such a minor concern. Neither of us are very present on social media when it comes to each other, you go on my Instagram and sure I’ve got pictures of him but it’s not like he’s dominating it and it’s the same on his. Well that was until recently. I was with a friend and was trying to find a specific picture of us that he had uploaded the day after I left the country, but couldn’t find it. I thought maybe I had been untagged somehow but when I got onto his instagram non of the photos of us together or anything to do with me were no longer there. I asked him about it, he claimed to have no idea what had happened so I left it at that, voicing thoughts about the person who had messaged me before had maybe gotten on and deleted his pictures to cause trouble. That’s where I left it. Until today

    My boyfriend is a wannabe gamer, he uploads videos of himself gaming online. One of these I was a part of, I was also the person who would try and get more people to find his videos via twitter. So he uploaded a video for the first time in months, after watching it I scrolled back through older videos to find the one I was in as I remembered it to be quite funny. But I couldn’t find it. I know I didn’t imagine the video because I still have the link to it on a tweet, but the link goes nowhere.

    So I’m kind of concerned that maybe he doesn’t want anyone to know about me. I will confess that I am quite the over thinker and I have messaged him but it’s so late that he won’t see it for hours, and when he does he might not even reply. I would really like some advice, and maybe another perspective. If he says it’s not him then what could it be that’s deleting me from his life on social media?

    If you think something is fishy, believe it.

    I love him. Forever. And every day after that.


      Well I wouldn't be "naive" enough to think someone else (other than your boyfriend) deleted his videos and photos.

      You should confront it about that and ask him why he did it.
      - I'll be waiting for you -

      Started talking: December 2015
      First meeting: December 2016
      Second meeting: May 2017 - August 2017
      Third meeting: Septembre 2017 - January 2018
      Engaged: December 2017
      Fourth meeting: May 2018 - August 2018
      Fifth visit: December 2019
      Wedding: September 2019


        Yeah, the idea that he has no idea how those things disappeared sounds extremely suspicious to me. Why would anyone other than him honestly want to do something like that? Also, has he showed signs of you on those accounts since? Like Tara and LWF have said, it fishy and you should confront him.


          My SO and I used to have pictures of each other on our pages from the time we first met, but if you looked at our pages now, you would think we're both single. However, this was completely intentional; we had to take down the photos because of the backlash from his family. Photos don't just disappear...someone makes them disappear. Maybe he's embarrassed to tell you why he took them down.


            If you are in a committed relationship there should be communication. Ask him. Don't beat yourself up over wondering.


              I wonder if he hides you to gain favor with the female community if he is a wannabe gamer uploading videos playing games.
              I wouldn't like that unless we had talked about this before - even then, don't hide your relationship.

              Relationship began: 05/22/2012
              First Met: 03/21/2013 - 03/30/2013
              Second Visit: 06/06/2013 - 08/21/2013 ~ Proposal: 07/06/2013 ♥
              Third Visit: 10/09/2013 - 01/08/2013
              Closed the distance: 11/20/2014 ♥
              Married: 1/24/2015
              Became Resident: 9/14/2015

