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What Drives You Crazy

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    What Drives You Crazy

    Alright, so we all have pet peeves, what are some of your pet peeves your SO does and why does it drive you crazy

    Mine would have to be when my SO says he`s going to do something... but falls short on the promise, and its like i know he`s only promising so much for me because he cares alot about me it just hurts when it doesnt happen you know

    I absolutely hate when my bf treats me like a child (one of the many glamorous sides of having a bf who's older than you) and tells me what do to. I don't even think he realizes it sometimes, and since he is so stubborn at times when i do tell him, he doesn't see where i'm coming from and blows me off. grr >_<


      Ohhh that would drive me absolutely nuts too girl, shoot well i guess all you can do it try and explain how it makes you feel when he does that...


        My pet peeve i suppose is his obsession with Rockband on the xbox 360, if hes mid song wen i call he will let the phone ring out instead of pause it then call me back, or if im there i cant get a word outta him mid song. Most of the time im fine with it just annoys me lol


          Me I could do without my guy's habit of going somewhere and not telling me, such as when I couldn't get ahold of him for 3 weeks (nothing new, he's busy) and find out he'd gone back home for all that time, moved out, and was seeing old friends at bars. Which I get he's not used to it or thinks it's none of my beeswax but still it annoys me.


            Originally posted by LadyMarchHare View Post
            Me I could do without my guy's habit of going somewhere and not telling me, such as when I couldn't get ahold of him for 3 weeks (nothing new, he's busy) and find out he'd gone back home for all that time, moved out, and was seeing old friends at bars. Which I get he's not used to it or thinks it's none of my beeswax but still it annoys me.
            I would go absolutely INSANNNEE if my SO did that, honestly!! Do you ever worry about him cheating


              haha umm my fiance is so stubborn but usually with a good talking to and making him actually think about stuff I usually end up being right :P But his stubbornness and unwillingness to listen sometimes is very annoying.


                Originally posted by __ms.jaye View Post
                I would go absolutely INSANNNEE if my SO did that, honestly!! Do you ever worry about him cheating
                Nope, never crossed my mind and never will. He's the type of person who dislikes most people and where he lives right now the majority of the girls are bottle blondes with spray on tans and IQs equivalent to rotten grapefruits. Plus, I dunno, I figure if you're nuts enough to be around me and want to be in my life romantically your tastes don't exactly cater to much that you can pick up at a bar.


                  The way he does the dishes. He wont empty or clean the sink first. Dishes may have sat there, with food still attached, for several days, and he'll just stick the plug in and fill it with water. And it's ewww. And no matter what I say he can't understand why it's disgusting.
                  Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                    It has to do with a certain word. I'm a Christian, but if you can't tell I'm quite liberal with my beliefs :P (I'm also politically a conservative ;D). I don't mind cursing, just don't do it in front of grandma. My issue is with one word he won't stop using. I'd type it out, but I'd have to cut my hands off afterwards. Mostly because of the first commandment. Let's just leave it at that @_@.


                      Sometimes his sarcasm! And I am sarcastic...go figure!
                      NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                        This was both LD and CD, when we are having an argument, he will go (in an irritated tone) "So what you're saying is..." (continues on with nothing even close to what I was saying). Drives me nuts. As soon as I hear him start to say it I just cringe.


                          Originally posted by LadyMarchHare View Post
                          Nope, never crossed my mind and never will. He's the type of person who dislikes most people and where he lives right now the majority of the girls are bottle blondes with spray on tans and IQs equivalent to rotten grapefruits. Plus, I dunno, I figure if you're nuts enough to be around me and want to be in my life romantically your tastes don't exactly cater to much that you can pick up at a bar.

                          You make me laugh

                          Erm there's a few things I guess... (sorry sweetheart )

                          The main one though is how she gets mad at me over the most unimportant things, then needs 15 minutes to be left alone, then she's fine and usually apologises for being so silly :/

                          Drives me around the bend sometimes
                          In a relationship with

                          Read mine & Tanja's story here!

                          My Albums:
                          Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
                          Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
                          My dog Sam ♥


                            When he uses these excuses in an argument: "It's because I'm Japanese" or "It's because you're Danish/not Japanese".
                            It really annoys me... a lot.

                            Or when he generally doesn't want to talk about problems.


                              Originally posted by garnet View Post
                              This was both LD and CD, when we are having an argument, he will go (in an irritated tone) "So what you're saying is..." (continues on with nothing even close to what I was saying). Drives me nuts. As soon as I hear him start to say it I just cringe.
                              OMG! I GET THIS! Especially the irritated tone.....grrr.
                              NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013

