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Cheating issue

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    Cheating issue

    Hello friends ,
    I'm from India I met a girl one year ago she is also from india .. but her hometown is 1000km away from me .. we talked almost daily .. I fall for her ..And I confess my felling with her ..But she was never ready for commitment and relationship.. but she was saying she really like me and love me as a person .. we met 5 months ago .I was with her for 4 days .. we enjoyed nd we had sex too .. after my coming back we fight ..And from last july we fight so many times .. I cried always. .But it was only me who said sorry first no matter who was in fault ..
    She said she dont love anyone but she was sexually active before my coming and after you my come back ..
    Now frm last 2 month she is currently living in Thailand .. she ignoring me very badly .. so I start become frustrated .. on 6 nov she posted a status on whatsapp where she was mentioning that she kissed with someone and how they enjoy their kiss .. I broke I feel like she broke my trust .. I m felling betrayal ..I don't sleep fr 2 day .. then on 12 nov I abuse her ..I told that she dont deserve my love.she is bitch .. she only need sex no matter who is next to her .. I was frustrated ..
    Then she said im thinking wrong she is not that type of girl .. then again I said sry and she saying she give me a last chance ..
    She is in Thailand and there she sleep whole day .. in night she is showing online till early morning whenever I message her mostly she ignore otherwise give me reply in one words .. it's hurts me badly . That she don't give me enough value and not hurt me
    What should I do now .I love her soo much but she dont feel for me same .. whenever I think she is sexually active there I start crying .I'm in depression .. what should I do .. should I move on ? Can I forget her ever ?
    Please reply me ..

    Hello you,

    I am sorry you have to go through this, it really is tough
    From what you said, it seems like she is not in love with you, and keeps seeing other people, without even caring about you getting hurt
    You talked about cheating but have you guys ever talked about being comitted to each other, and exclusive ? If not, then maybe you misunderstood and she is considering your relationship as an opened one ?
    Although, to be blunt, I think she doesn't care much about you and only "keeps you" as a second choice
    Insulting her definitely wasn't a good idea but I understand your pain and frustration and honestly, you deserve better
    Nobody needs to be trated like she treats you

    I think Moving on really is the best thing to do in your situation
    I know nowadays you love her and it seems impossible to forget her, but tell yourself it really is for the best
    It may take some time but you will move on, fall in love with someone else who really cares about you, values you and treats you the way you deserve to be trated
    In order to forget her, I would suggest you try blocking her on WhatsApp and every social medias you have a contact with her, it's useless to torture yourself like that anyway

    Be strong, you can do it


      Hey there

      I can only agree to Elzah. Unfortunately your girlfriend already moved on with never completely going into commitment with you, going to Thailand, seeing other people and ignoring you in the meanwhile. Maybe she is not the type of girl you gave her names for, but she is not totally fair either with telling you what is really going on. It is kind of ironic of her to say she gives you "One last chance". Somehow her part of participation is missing and it doesn't seem like she is gonna change it.
      So give yourself time to heal and move on yourself as well. Try to focus on your own interests, forming your own life and you surely will find a partner who loves you back the way you love them and maybe even lives not so far away

      All the best!

