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Please help me close the distance

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    Please help me close the distance

    I want to be with him and can’t wait anymore
    Last edited by helpmebewithhim; November 26, 2018, 12:42 AM.

    It’s just so hard to not have him
    Last edited by helpmebewithhim; November 26, 2018, 12:43 AM.


      Hi and welcome
      Do you have a plan on how you’re going to close the distance?


        I want to move to Australia with him but I don’t have the minimum amount to get accepted for a working holiday visa which is $5,000 usd. So currently I don’t exactly have a plan


          Do you have a job? Can you get one? Or a second job? Does he work? Can you sell things? If both of you work together can you get the money? I know $5000 is a lot of money but it is doable. It might take some time, but you have a specific goal to work towards. That is a good solid goal which helps with handling the distance. Good luck!


            Giving it time is what I don’t want. I don’t want to give it time because I want to be with him now. I have a job but it’ll still take me forever to be with him again. I need that money now but i don’t have it. It kills me to think I have to wait to see him again


              Sadly that’s what long distance is for us, a waiting game. This is why long distance relationships are so tough. I guess all you can do is set yourself the goal of earning the money and keep focused on the prize at the end, your SO. When the time feels tough just remind yourself why you’re doing this (to be with your SO) and that it’ll be worth it. Is there a chance that it would be easier for him to come to you (financially) sooner than it would be for you to get to him?

