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Not sure what to do or think

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    Not sure what to do or think

    This is my first post so I'm sorry if it's long, but I'll try to keep it short.

    In Aug I met this guy on an online dating site. My first time even doing the online thing. Was hesitant to talk with him but I figured why not. He seemed to be very nice and for the most part straight forward which I love. He is retired military and was upfront with some of his issues from that. We have been talking every day until this last week. I had planned to go visit him for his bday which was this past Monday. Just a few days before I was going to leave he admits that he has a lot of depression and his PTSD was really bad. It was bad enough for him to call the dr to try and get himself admitted to a facility. He is currently at a outpatient facility in his town. I told him his health was the priority and I cancelled my flight and everything I had planned. That day was so hard I broke down and cried a few times. To top it off he is going back to school and online classes start today. I have not spoken to him since I wished him a bday. I feel like I am adding to his stress. I really care about him and on my part not ready to give up. I try talking to him and all he says is it's him and he appreciates me. I am hoping it's just a phase he is going through. The hard part is seeing that he is on FB and he has time for that and not say Hi to me? Any advice or suggestions would be so helpful! Thanks for listening to me vent.

    Hi and welcome
    Sorry to hear you’re going through a hard time. I think you are giving him the space he needs which is good. I’d continue being there if and when he wants to talk as you have been doing. Try not to overthink things, it’s hard I know.

