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How are you spending the holidays?

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    Just sad that I will be on my own, and mad at my SO for saying no to me being there when I first mentioned it months before. I know why he did at the time, and it did make sense then for both of us. It still kinda does, but obviously our relationship has progressed since then, and things have gotten harder. It maybe hasn't been helped by us video calling everyday as we're opening advent calendars together.


      Why didn’t he want you to be there for Christmas? I’m so sorry.:-( Do you have friends who you can spend Christmas with?


        I am very happy, as SO's mum has decided to celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve instead, as they are expecting bad weather on Tuesday. This now means that we should be able to spend the whole day online-video calling and messaging!


          We'll be chatting a little bit. My SO will be either working or sleeping on Christmas Day, while I'm being on a break atm (break decided by the ministry of national education). I may play some carol for her, though I played a couple Christmas songs to her already. We don't have any plans for New Year yet, though I know she'll stay with her parents. It will be basic days to us.


            This is the first Christmas that my husband and I are living together, so it was the first year I didn't stress about the weather and him making it here for the holiday. We flew to NY Friday for the weekend to surprise my mother in law, and got home at 1:30 this morning. I am working from home today while he's out running errands. This evening we will be going out for our annual Christmas Eve dinner with friends, and my children will go spend the night with their dad. Tomorrow morning my husband and I will drink mimosas and have a laid back morning, my kids will come over around 11:30 am and we will open gifts. Then I will cook a big Christmas dinner and my ex husband and my mom will come eat with the family. I love spending Christmas with my husband. Then, next week we fly to San Antonio for the weekend and New Year's. I am blessed.

            I love him. Forever. And every day after that.

