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When is leaving right?

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    When is leaving right?

    Hi guys!

    Bit of back story:
    I’ve been with my fiancé for 10 years. He’s my rock! I studied Japanese at university and always dreamed of being a translator. Two years ago I moved to Japan and had a terrible experience so I decided to move back home after just a year. Now I want to head back to Japan to study/work and build my language skills but I’m scared of leaving my fiancé. I hated the airport goodbyes and the pain leading up to leaving his side. I look at him and think ‘Am I going to be strong enough to leave his side for a year or more?’.
    How do I know leaving is the right thing? I really want to develop my Japanese but I also just want to be by his side. He can’t come with me unfortunately. I’d really appreciate any advice and hear similar stories and what you decided to do!

    Edit: just want to mention he’s extremely supportive of me and keeps saying I should definitely go and that he’ll always be there if I need him.
    Last edited by Riya; December 14, 2018, 08:14 PM. Reason: Extra info

    No brainer. Go. Do your thing. If he’s supporting you then don’t hold back. It might suck being apart but if you’ve come this far then you’ll continue.
    Always ask yourself: will I look back on not doing it regret that choice? If the answer is yes, then you do you. You need both a fulfilling relationship AND career.

