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Only who's in a LDR knows..

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    Only who's in a LDR knows..

    Hi everyone,
    I want to share this news, cause make me really happy, and I think can give hope to a lot of people that live in our same situation:
    for who doesn't know, I'm Carlo from Italy and I'm living a long distance relationship with Jade from Brazil.
    Tomorrow I'll take the flight to Brazil and finally we'll meet again.. Only by living a ldr is possible to understand how much is difficult to see the person that you love only sometimes, and the time is so slow when you're far, and so fast when you're together. Countdowns, videocall, book the tickets are maybe the three things that we always need to do. But finally, this time, we'll close this distance. The day that we dream for a long time arrive like a Christmas present from God!

    I wish to everyone a Merry Christmas and to find a way to close the distance too, for who still far from each other <3

    And I would like to share the video that show our story until now

    Great news. I'm so happy for you two!
    Liked the video too. It was very sweet.

