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Would it worth to wait for my him or not? can i get a second chance?

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    Would it worth to wait for my him or not? can i get a second chance?

    This is a case of a couple who met each other in Bangkok.
    I have known my ex since I first arrived to his school in 2004. I have had a relationship with him for a year and a half (2007-end 2008).

    Overall, my relationship with him went quite good when we were in high school. But things quite changed after he left to study to the uk and I stayed in Bangkok. Few months earlier, I have told myself that I would break up with him because I was aware that LDR would not work out and it would be the best for the two of us. But when time was coming closer and closer, we actually bonded more closer in both physically and emotionally. We could not let go off of each other. So we decided to try LDR.

    My ex went away only for two months and a half. The first month, things were ok but as time get closer until he comes back to Bangkok, things got a bit messy. Especially on my side. For example, my life felt miserable because of no having my bf with me all the times anymore and trying hard to adapt with the people at my university. For him to hear all the negative side of my life without him, it gave him a very hard time for his life too. He really wished hard that he could be here with me and take care of me but instead he was stuck in the uk for two months and a half.

    When he came back from the uk, things were not that good. We fought on our 16 months of anniversary because I was acting different to him. For him, when he does not know why I am acting different, this can drive him very mad. And so the next few days, he ignored my texts and calls because he was madly angry. That was the first time he stopped communicating with me for that long. And then one night, he broke up with me because he felt he could not do this LDR. I was in a very bad shape for the next few months. I was trying very hard to get back with him. I tried emails, texting, calls, gifts...everything but at the end of the day, we always end up with nonsense fights. At one point, he wanted to get back with me but because I was so persistent and annoying that he decided not to.

    Now it has been a year and a half since we broke up. We both have not dated anyone since then. I have tried to find someone else but I could not let my ex go off my mind. And now it has been over a year since I last saw him in Bangkok. I told myself to wait for him until he comes back but if there is someone else who would like to date me, I may decide to go for it. However, because my love for my ex is so strong and that I cannot let it go that easily, I thought if I go for someone else, my ex may think that my feelings were never true. And I believe that I would think the same if he does too.

    I have not talked to my ex for a few months already and I feel terribly miserable when I do not talk to him. I am so scared that he may have lost interest in me. But I know that he still loves me and misses me a lot as much as I do for him too. But I still wonder... do i ever cross his mind? Although I know he may want to wait to express his feelings to me when he meets me in person but I still wonder if it worth to wait ? and I really hope for another chance because I believe that my ex and I have something. What do you think I can do to get him back?

    I hope this was not "too" long >.<
    thank you for those who are willing to help me because I am so miserable without him
    I keep wishing he would call me or text me T.T

    I'm sorry to hear you are so unhappy. Even if you are with him you would need to build happiness within yourself too. I would start trying to build a happy life for yourself first. Make time for friends, study, health, fun and family so you are feeling better and not missing him so much. I would not just sit and wait. This will make you even more sad. If you haven't heard from him in months you could try to send him a message but I think if he wanted to work this out he would probably have been in touch with you already. Make a busy happy life for yourself. You cannot rely on someone else to make you happy. Be happy in yourself first. If he does come back then it will just add to the happy life you have by yourself. If not, you will not be sad as you have made a happy life so far by yourself.


      You may not have heard from him because he is feeling the same way as you...waiting for you to make the first move...or it could be that he has moved on. Either obviously need closure. With that said...I would send a simple message saying..."hey..just wanted to see how you are doing...I was thinking of you.." Something simple...and go from there. If nothing happens from that...then you will have closure and you will NEED to move on. I agree with need to build a life for YOU. Things that make you happy...hobbies..interests...

      some couples just aren't meant to be together......And this way you can let go if need be.

      Don't just sit and always wonder.

      Just my two cents.
      NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


        To Eternity and Karringtyn

        Thank you very much for your honest respond. I guess I am trying to get busy and enjoy my life with friends and family. But it can be hard at times when you are feeling lonely and wanting someone to be next to you and trying to make you feel better, that's all.

        You are both right. I will try my best and hoping things will get better everyday.


          You have to find happiness by yourself first. You need to learn to love yourself because you are you, not that you are you with him. Once you are in a more healthy place and he sees that you are okay even without him then he may notice you are getting back to normal.

          I agree that he may be waiting for you to call first, but I bet he wants to know you are okay and that you are back to yourself even more. Things happen for a reason so make the best of it.

