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2019 Official Roll Call

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    2019 Official Roll Call


    If you see this thread, reply with an update on your relationship/life, regardless if you post regularly or not . New members please post too! Anyone have visits planned for this year or meeting for the first time? Closing the distance? Weddings? Etc...

    My update: We added this little guy to our family earlier last month
    Read my LDR story!

    He’s gorgeous Michelle!

    My update we’ve been married 6 months now and have been living together and I’m very happy .


      Our wedding is planned for the 1st of september. I will probably see my SO again one week or two before that. His mom/sister are coming over for 3 weeks and we are planning to travel a bit with them before we get married.

      Technically we should close the distance definitely with the wedding since we will then start the sponsorship application for him to become a permanent resident of my country.
      - I'll be waiting for you -

      Started talking: December 2015
      First meeting: December 2016
      Second meeting: May 2017 - August 2017
      Third meeting: Septembre 2017 - January 2018
      Engaged: December 2017
      Fourth meeting: May 2018 - August 2018
      Fifth visit: December 2019
      Wedding: September 2019


        In 10 days and 12 hours, I will be arriving in Phoenix to meet my amazing man for the very first time. We will have been together for just over 8 months when I arrive.
        We'll be together for a week over valentine's day, before I have to come back.
        I'm already planning to go back there for Christmas, and to get his passport sorted next year so that he can come here.


          2018 was bittersweet because I had to put my dog down, but doing so allowed me to move in with my boyfriend sooner than expected. He has his own condo which doesn't allow large dogs and isn't in a good area for walking dogs anyway, and we were stuck because he didn't want to start renting again and I obviously wasn't going to give up my dog. But we both wanted to live together.

          So yeah, I moved in in August 2018 officially, and it has been so good for our relationship.
          So, here you are
          too foreign for home
          too foreign for here.
          Never enough for both.

          Ijeoma Umebinyuo, Diaspora Blues


            Been meaning to post on here for awhile just just ended up stalking the boards a but instead haha. My 2019 so far has been alright, love life wise its going great, very happy with both my girls, will go into that all more in a minute. New year hasn't been that fantastic for Ash as her flat she moved into at the send of December got repossessed by the bank so they don't have a landlord, and it hasn't been looked after so only a few sockets work and they still have a broken oven and have only just managed to get a working washing machine. As well as all of this she's being made redundant next week as her site she works at is being shut down, been a bad start to the year because of all the stress and its affected her mood obviously so things have been a bit rough but we're doing the best we can.

            Josie and I are pretty good, still just working away at our jobs, only massive sort of couple decision we have to make this year so far is if we want to move to a new place in June. The plan was always to stay here for a year then move to Scotland, but just now i'm happy enough here, and in june when the move is set for Ash might possibly move in with us if we're still all good.

            Enough about sad stuff, onto some good things this year has brought so far!:

            Josie started DM-ing her first DnD campaign which has been great fun, its my first proper campaign so i feel very out of my depth compared to her and Ash who know like everythinggggggg about it, but i'm still really enjoying it.

            And in March i'm finally going back home to visit my family and friends. It'll be nearly a year since I've been there when i go, and i'm taking Josie and Ash with me so everyone can meet them both which is super exciting.

            So, so far, had some ups and downs, but stuff is looking pretty alright
            my girls <3

            Josie (SO)
            Met online ~ 17th August 2017 ~
            Met in person ~ 30th August 2017 ~
            Became official ~ 15th September 2017 ~
            Closed the distance and moved in together! ~ 18th June 2018 ~

            Met online ~ 21st November 2018 ~
            Met in person ~ 26th November 2018 ~
            Became official ~ 4th December 2018 ~
            All moved in together! ~ 30th May 2019 ~


              Adorable photos Michelle

              I guess this past year has been big for me, but quietly. I had my permanent residence application approved in July/August and I've been waiting until my next scheduled trip to Canada to officially "land" and become a PR. That visit is now less than 3 weeks away and SO and I are really excited but a little nervous for me to actually, finally, officially become a Canadian PR!

              SO and I have continued visiting one another about every 2 months. Most recently he was down here for 2 1/2 weeks, and we felt like it just brought us even closer together being able to spend that time together. I'm not sure when we'll see each other next after I visit at the end of February. Maybe end of April, maybe not. The rest of this year is a little more "up in the air" due to both of us looking for jobs in Ontario.

              I know I will be moving to Canada by the end of September, since that's when my current lease ends and I have no intentions of renewing it. It might actually be easier to look for jobs if I move to Canada first, but the thought of giving up a stable job and relatively high income compared to what I would be able to get in Canada makes me hesitant to do so, so end of September is our kind of "move by" date, such that if I'm unable to secure a job in Canada before then, I'll still pack up my things and move in with SO at that time.

              All that stuff is scary. I've never moved without a job/school before and I've never moved countries. I'm worried about being away from my support network, which is why we've been trying to look for things closer to his parents (who I adore). Still, we're not limiting ourselves completely, and we may both end up about the same distance away from each of our respective parents.

              The relationship itself is really good, though. I honestly feel so lucky.
              Canadian permanent residence APPROVED!
              Closed the Distance: 09/26/2019
              Engaged: 09/26/2020


                Awww, that baby is too cute!

                Five days marks the day we first connected on the chat site we met on five years ago, as hard as that is for me to fathom. He's graduating this spring with his master's and applying for jobs so he can stay here on OPT (fingers crossed in my city!!!). If he doesn't get hired within I think 60 days of graduation, he'll have to return to India, and we'd have to switch to backup plan of a fiance or spouse visa (hate that thought). If we do get married, it would probably be for the paperwork and not for the wedding. I'm hopefully graduating in December with my nursing degree which I can pretty much go anywhere in the US with, so I'm hoping that we'll end the distance somehow by early 2020 at the latest. Here's to some progress in ending the distance!


                  Congratulations for the baby.

                  Our relationship is doing more or less well.. Next visit is planned for April 20th, me going to Korea. She will be working though, as she got a new job and won't have holidays during my visit - only her weekends. This makes her want me to cancel my flight tickets, but it's a big no for me, as last meeting was last April in Korea and Japan. One year without meeting is very tough, and even though she's planning to visit me this summer, she seems unsure on when she will come - if she ever comes, as she didn't last year. Even if we spend only weekends and evenings together, I'll be happy to be with her and it will make me feel more at ease about the summer.

                  She wants to live in France - it is more realistic than me moving to Korea. I'm trying to get a better professionnal situation before thinking about closing the distance.


                    This year we celebrated 4 years of marriage. We have received a letter to prove that our relationship is bonafide, so we are in the process of gathering that information and sending it out by the end of the month.

                    My goal for this year is to visit my family and celebrate my twin's and my 30th birthday at some point.

                    The relationship is doing great! We recently adopted 2 guinea pigs which we love so much already

                    Relationship began: 05/22/2012
                    First Met: 03/21/2013 - 03/30/2013
                    Second Visit: 06/06/2013 - 08/21/2013 ~ Proposal: 07/06/2013 ♥
                    Third Visit: 10/09/2013 - 01/08/2013
                    Closed the distance: 11/20/2014 ♥
                    Married: 1/24/2015
                    Became Resident: 9/14/2015


                      Bad news about this summer, she can't take holidays so she won't be coming here (unless she takes an unpaid break but I don't think that is possible). She will have a break in September for choo-seok (Korean Thanksgiving) but it's just about five days. Spending almost two days in the airplanes and about three days in France sounds quite unrealistic..


                        I really don't post here anymore, but I lurk to keep up with the people I still know.

                        Since my relationship ended a bit over a year ago, I've just been focusing on work and myself, I haven't been very interested in dating. I think I've just had it with all the BS involved and disappointment, so I'm good on my own for now. While it can get pretty lonely, I do like just doing whatever I want, and never answering to anyone.

                        My future plans are to either by a small house for myself, or do a ton of traveling I haven't decided which I'll do yet, both are so appealing to me!
                        Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                          Hi everybody and congratulation to you, Michelle!!

                          I actually went back to read my 2018 roll call post and so much has changed. It feels like forever ago that I was worrying about my master thesis. Turns out I procrastinated so much I had to write it all in one terrible weekend. Worst weekend of my life for sure! But it paid off, I graduated last summer with flying colors!!!

                          My SO spent the whole summer (10 weeks) with me in Europe and I was able to visit twice for a total of 7 weeks!
                          We actually got married last fall!
                          Hoping to be able to complete all paperwork this month for me for us to close the distance! It takes about a year to process, so we still have a long journey ahead.

                          We both got new jobs, so it's been stressful at times, but nothing we won't be able to handle.


                            A lot has happen since last years update! Most importantly, we finally got to meet for the first time!!! After a year and a half of being nevermets (US - Germany) we got to be together during the holidays. I flew out to Germany (my first time traveling outside of the US) and we got to see the sights of Germany and had a road trip to Paris together. We also got to spend new years together, and our anniversary. It was the best time of our lives and now he is applying to attend my college next semester where we'll be closing the distance for good, I can't wait!


                              Well, our last meeting was at the beginning of the month for a quick 48 hour visit with her at my home. Next one will be in early March for an extended weekend at her home.

                              She has a solid job offer as a GM for a store here which she accepted. She will close the distance in July and move in with me. 135 days away.

                              4 more "meetings" before the move if we keep our every 30 day target.

                              Where as our early meetings were more infrequent and more adventurous, our meetings now tend to have more local, regular daily activities. Discussions about what is moving down, and how cashflow is going to work are more common.

                              I Just looked back at my first post...from January of 2017...

                              So this is my first LDR. Figured I'll lay out the facts:

                              She first said "hello" to me online last January.
                              She is 46, divorced 13 years and I am 42, awaiting the Judges final signature to finalize my divorce.
                              She lives in Washington State, I live in Northern California.
                              She has 2 upper class high school age children about 90% of the time. I have 1 in HS, 1 in college, and 1 in elementary school. I have 50% custody on a 2-2-5 schedule

                              We are 10 months in since our first in-person meeting. It was kinda supposed to be a fling for each of us, but as I dropped her off at the airport, she turned to me and said "I'm willing to make this work if you are."

                              So since then we have been going back and forth on a 30-45 day interval. We have met 8 times for weekends or longer. We really travel well together.

                              I've never met someone so supportive, and positive and happy. I've camped with her in rainstorms and she never complained once, and pitched right in around camp. I've taken her out to fancy restaurants, and dancing, and she shines. We are extremely good together in the bedroom.

                              I've met her mother, siblings, close girlfriends and children.
                              She has not met my children or parents yet. I'm looking at the end of February to be the date she meets them. I've introduced her to a few of my friends and she got along great with them.

                              Her ex husband/father of her children lives about 60 miles from me. Her sisters both live about 140 miles away, in the same direction as her ex.
                              She wants to move back to California but that presents challenges in cost of living and career fronts. That is the main reason I've signed up for the forum. To address the challenges of closing the distance. I'll expand on that in that forum.

                              I'm grateful that we are in the same timezone, and that nonstop round trip flights are usually under $400. If we alternate who goes to whom, and buy tickets judiciously searching for sales, that means that for the cost of lunch each day saved over 60 Days can usually purchase a ticket...
                              Last edited by 2Rocky; February 14, 2019, 02:06 PM.

