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When did you first say the three magic words???

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    When did you first say the three magic words???

    Been with my SO for two weeks and have been chatting every day since meeting on an online dating site... Suddenly she says “I Adore You”... In the meantime, hints are being thrown around in her messages that include the “L” word, and definite plans for the future. She’s legit and as real as they come.

    I am answering back with hints of my own involving the magic phrase, and she’s not rejecting them or beating around the bush. She’s in her 30’s and I’m 52, and know we’ve been there, done that, and both feel we want each other, but know it’s too early to reveal the phrase as of yet.

    Excellent situation, and way of handling it, without scaring each other away, if I may say so. Anyone experience the same thing too?

    I would just say it is different for everyone and there is never a "right" time for saying or not saying it. You just should do it when feeling like it and feeling it, but without the pressure of expecting the same back from your partner right away. Of course it can be overwhelming, especially when you yourself don't feel so deep yet or just take the meaning behind the phrase deeper and more serious than your partner might do, in the end it is nothing to be scared about when it being said and in a relationship also communication can solve much about it like so often


      I said it first to my SO, but he didn't say it back to me then. It didn't upset me, because I knew he would in his own time. Three days later, he did say it.
      It's all variable. You say it when it is right for you. I actually took myself by surprise with it, as I confessed it publically. But I didn't regret it, because it felt right to me.
      That's actually one of the (many millions of) things I like about him, that he takes his time to say or do certain things. He won't be rushed. He'll do it when he is ready. As a result, I actually take him more seriously, and admire him more for it.


        We finally cleared the air last night, she didn’t hold back with telling me how I made her feel, how I make her life happier, and how I am now in her life without any doubts... After she initiated it by telling me she “loves” me, I went ahead and told her I “Love her too”. It only got better from there, and now we’re only focusing on the now and future. Planning stage for our first meeting is next, and hoping for this May for me to fly to TX from NJ to see my now girlfriend... Success!!!


          Honestly, say it when it feels right. That's not at the same time for everyone. I know some people who wait a year before saying it, and then there's me and my boyfriend who said it literally 2 weeks after we met...a week before we even started dating! I look back on that now and think it's insane that we were already throwing around the L bomb...I know a lot would say that's WAY too soon but it just felt right at the time, and now here we are coming up on 2 years and I don't regret anything. If you truly feel it in your heart, and you feel that it's real than I see no problem saying it at any point in the relationship.

