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    I've been in this LDR for 8-9 months now and we both live in different countries, Shes in U.S and im in Nigeria and shes 20yrs which I'm 25yrs. We both love and crazy about each other in the beginning. She told her mom about me and her lil sis, we had lot of fun together on vidoe chat and she told her mom she'd love to meet me, she wanted to fly to Nigeria but her mom wont help her with the money i think her mom dont wanna do anything about us seeing each other. Few months later she told told me we should take things slow that she wouldn't want either of the opposite sex to get hurt if we will never met but I told her not go back saying those words again. I always told her we are meant for each other and nothing would ever change the love I have for her. But now I'm starting to get worried if we'll both meet cos I keep asking her when she'll be flying all the way down to my country all what she keeps telling me "she don't know yet, hopefully soon". She also told me sometimes that she don't wanna waste my time waiting for her and says in getting old but I still insist no matter how many years it may takes you, I'd still be waiting for you. She smiles and she still loves me. But now I don't know what to do. I don't even think I'll even see her. Probably maybe cos she's young and ain't working at the moment to get enough cash for plane tickets. I don't just know what to do. I really love her and wanna spend the rest of my years with her. Pls, I need your advice.

    If it's any help at all, me and my SO didn't know how or when we would ever meet, but we did. I live in Ireland, and he is in the US. We Actually talked a few times about whether we should/could do it.
    Eventually things changed for me with my finances and ability to travel, and I flew over to the US to meet him. It took me over 20 hours in total just to get there!
    He drove for hours to the airport to meet me, and then drove us both all the way back. We got to his in the early hours of the morning. I think it was 1.30am.
    We were together for 8 months before we met for the first time, and due to our circumstances, we now have to wait until Christmas to meet again.

    Things will change over time. I can't tell you when they will, only that they will.


      Thank you, but do you think we could last a relationship for 5yrs without seeing eachother? And I think maybe shes too young for me. What do you think?


        It really depends on the couple, but it's been known to happen. There is another member who recently posted about meeting their SO for the first time after 7 years.

        Personally, I don't think 20 is too young. As long as the two of you are happy, I don't think it matters.
        I dated a guy over 20 years older than me. When I went to visit him in hospital, the other patients thought I was his daughter!


          Wow! 7 years later before they met. That's wonderful story to tell their children and grand children. I just hope it goes well between my SO then I can come here so glad to tell everyone. Thank you for your advise and I hope to get in touch with you when next I need any advice from you. I'd be glad if you can give me your email if I need anything to ask you again. Have a wonderful day ahead....

