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When is good time to meet if we are at opposite coasts?

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    When is good time to meet if we are at opposite coasts?

    A mutual friend introduced me to a girl from Texas and I am in DC. I am wondering if our initial communications are good when is a good time to meet? Is it gentleman to meet her at her home state instead of meet in the middle? She is not against long distance and says as long as in the future together settle down somewhere it is fine. Again we just begun talking so there's no huge rush but i am not sure when to bring this up or when is good to meet? If she were to ask me when i can meet i would have to say september because august i have plans in the weekends already playing tourist for a friend...


    It completely depends on your individual circumstances. Your schedule, ability to travel, money, responsibilities. You'll work it out in time, but it's all up for negotiation.

    I went to the US to meet my SO for the first time, as I was in a better position at that time. He won't be travelling to me until next year. It's what works for us atm.


      That is so considerate that you are concerned about being a gentleman. I would say ask her on a date in September, and meet her in her hometown. Make sure she knows you have a hotel room booked so she doesn't expect you to be her houseguest. Then take her to dinner and let her show you the sites. If it goes well, invite her to DC. That's a great town and you can show her around.

      I love him. Forever. And every day after that.

