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Favorite moments with your SO

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    Favorite moments with your SO

    What is a favorite moment you have had with your SO? It doesn't have to be something you've done when you're physically with them, any moment(s) you've created with them.

    I think mine would be when we start laughing at something (mainly something either one of us has said)- its so contagious between the two of us and we have a hard time collecting ourselves. Many times we have been brought to tears from laughing.

    I think moments like these are what we need to remember when we are having a hard time dealing with the distance. It definitely puts me in a better mood and sometimes I start laughing again just thinking about it.
    ~And ever has it been known that Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation~

    The memory that stands out is spending a week with her at my house (my parents house) in February, my parents were away, my GF came over for a week... the particular one would be myself letting the dog out in the rain and dark, looking into the kitchen window and seeing my GF washing the dishes. I don't know why but that is a big moment for me.

    Every time I pick her up from the airport or she picks me up from the airport.

    And walking over a bridge in Cologne in November, can't remember the name of the bridge but I have a great picture of us there. Love that picture.

    Other than that, any time I see her smile is the best feeling in the world.


      I have tons of them!

      Laughing over the questionable moulds of our chocolate advent calendars last year. I bought two, posted one to him and we video called everyday to open them together. We missed one day, and neither of us opened that day, because we felt wrong not doing it together.

      Him reading me politically correct fairy tales at bedtime. Little Red Riding Hood was hysterical, which wasn't conducive to sleep.

      Our call last night when he said I was more important than doing a long drive to pick up a paycheck that he needed.

      Him asking me if mushy peas were a real thing.

      When we are gazing at one another, and I feel like is looking straight into my soul.

      When he said that he would've waited all night for me at the airport.

      He gives me a lot of favourite moments every week, so it's hard to pick one's to list.

