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He Feels Unreal When We're Apart

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    He Feels Unreal When We're Apart

    Hello, first post, just going to jump in: I've been doing my LDR for just about a year. I am much luckier than others here in that he is only 3 hours away and we see each other nearly every weekend. When we're apart during the week, however, after just a day or so, the whole relationship feels very unreal. I know it's real, of course -I have pictures, we text, etc. -- but it just feels almost like I dreamed it all. Does that make sense or I am crazy??? Thank you!
    Last edited by NoIdea; October 1, 2019, 12:21 PM. Reason: Typo

    Hi, and welcome to the forum. No, it’s not crazy to feel like that. Sometimes after being so close when distance comes between you again it can feel like that. At least you don’t have to wait too long until you are together again, which is great.


      It's completely normal. I felt the same way when my husband and I were apart, even thought he lived here on weekends, and worked 900 miles away. But, you figure it out.

      I love him. Forever. And every day after that.


        I relate so much to this. Even the first day he's here/I'm there, I always have this feeling of emotional distance because I know it's only going to last a couple days and he'll be an icon on a screen again. There's almost a feeling of anger toward him that he's not around all the time, which I know is stupid because it's out of both of our hands. Anyone else get that? Please tell me I'm not the only weird one. :P

