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My difficult German, and the void between cultures!

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    My difficult German, and the void between cultures!

    Hi everyone, I am brand new here. Like everyone else I am hoping to make some friendships with those who are experiencing and have experience with LDRs. I find no one in my “reality” can really offer support or understanding due to the unfamiliar nature of LDRs.

    I met my SO online, randomly, over a year ago. He lives in Germany. I am in Australia. He has flown out once to meet me, and we spent 2.5 weeks together. The experience of meeting seemed to solidify what we experience together as real and push us into new territory.

    The reason I am here is because I feel he does my head in for much of the time. He is so strict, and unyielding in so many ways. He constantly makes me feel like I am a disappointment to him. It is the case of, when things are good they are great, but when things are bad they are intolerable. He is German! I am Australian! We have completely different ways of seeing almost everything! Yet somehow we persevere, and we enjoy the good moments when they happen. But it is so up and down, I don’t think I am cut out for it.

    He has had years of experience with LDR relationships before me. Whereas this is my first. I don’t know how we can open up to one another when I feel he is always at my throat. He gets upset when I seem unhappy but then accuses me of being self-centred. He wants me to talk about how I feel but doesn’t like what he hears when I do.

    Has anybody else ever felt that they are just not good enough? And does it seem fair to be the one who has to end it when it is the other person who is dissatisfied?? Sorry, this is a very impulsive rant!
    "The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again".
    -Charles Dickens

    Your partner is supposed to raise you up and make you a better person. If he makes you feel bad then he isn't your person, as much as you don't want to admit it. And why do you want someone who makes you feel bad?

    I love him. Forever. And every day after that.


      The fact you say it’s intolerable when it’s bad is a huge red flag. Have to tried talking about how this is making you feel about the relationship?


        Thanks for your replies. We always seem to work it out and we are good at talking things through. When we were together in person it was so easy. As though a great weight had been lifted. Sometimes I think our problems really just stem from a communication breakdown because of the distance, and also because it is a lot more difficult to show affection over distance. We are both committed and these seems to always be what gets us thru.

        How do those of you who are very physically affectionate, bridge that gap over the distance?
        "The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again".
        -Charles Dickens


          There are a lot of apps that help. That and making time for scheduled FaceTime sessions or eat a meal as you face time. My now husband and I used to allow the first 5-10 mins for discussion of anything that we needed to air or come to a decision on and then use the rest of the time to watch a movie or enjoy each other’s company. We found that worked for us as we didn’t waffle on about the things or avoid talking about them either.


            Thank you Redheart14, having a debrief at the beginning is a really good idea. It’s terrible when a bad mood spills over into everything.

            What apps do you recommend and what do they do?
            "The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again".
            -Charles Dickens


              Between and couple are good apps for messaging and communication


                Originally posted by Redheart14 View Post
                Between and couple are good apps for messaging and communication
                Is Couple still around? I read about this app when I first started my LDR and I cannot seem to find it. I also read that it is no longer around. Just curious.
                ~And ever has it been known that Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation~


                  Couplete ....sorry

