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Long distance communication

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    Long distance communication

    So me & my girlfriend live 900 miles apart, & when we are together everything is easy. Like near perfect. But when we FaceTime , my brain goes completely blank. I don’t know what to talk about. She always does most of the talking & it’s causing a strain on our relationship. I don’t know why it’s so hard for me to talk.. Please help.

    Hey! I have this issue too...I'm more of a thinker than a talker, he is definitely a talker. I can sit and listen to him for hours-I do mean hours- but as soon as he wants me to talk I just kinda don't or can't. I have found a few things online of 1,000 questions to ask your SO/best friend and I sort through them and find the ones I like. You would be surprised at how they can really get the conversation going and it builds from there. He likes to ask me what was the best part of my day, so if you start with something that was great about your day it makes them feel apart of your day as well!! Hope this helps a little!!
    California- Alabama
    Relationship began: April 4, 2017
    First visit: Alabama: April 4-8, 2017
    Second visit: Alabama: August 22-30, 2017
    Third visit: Alabama: December 9-19, 2017
    Fourth visit: California: May 25- June 4, 2018
    Fifth visit: Alabama: September 15- 26, 2018
    Sixth visit: Alabama: December 18, 2018-January 3, 2019
    Seventh visit: Alabama: April 2-10, 2019


      That’s a great idea! Thank you so much, I’ll try that! (: She’s more of a talker aswell!

