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Communication problems

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    Communication problems

    So the guy I am speaking to and have been for the last few months has recently changed his tune a little bit. He’s stopped being as affectionate towards me and we use to FaceTime a lot say 3-4 times a week. I understand that it isn’t always possible to FaceTime constantly but we do text everyday. But my problem is he said he is too busy to FaceTime as he has studies to do which is fine, but I then found out he thinks I am rushing things by me asking to FaceTime. I tried to explain in my eyes that it is like a date as we can’t do that face to face because of the long distance and it’s a form of getting to know each other on a more personal level. He also sometimes states if I’m short in texts he doesn’t like it as he feels I am too busy to talk but I said we all like to talk different ways and it’s about compromise. Long story short he thinks I am rushing things and doesn’t know where he see’s this going in the future so I bascially said I am probably too much for you then really, then he didn’t like that & said no I’m not he still wants to get to know me. We are texting all day everyday but sometimes it’s the same conversation & no excitement to it. I feel I can’t flirt now because he says I’m rushing though he was definately flirting too and giving me the same vibes as I was giving to him. So how do I make the conversation more exciting without losing the connection we have? We won’t be face timing as much so it’s bascially keeling it alive through text conversations. Help!!