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Distance is making me anxious

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    Distance is making me anxious

    Me and my boyfriend met while he was in a exchange program. I am a permanent international student in Korea and he's french. He finished his undergrad and wanted to stay in Korea to work partly for me but for visa issues and stuff he couldn't make it but we decided to stay together after a very hard conversation on whether we should or not. He has a job now in France but he's planning to do his master's degree after a year and he said he could try to come back and do it here to be with me. But lately we have been having problems with communication, we don't really have time to talk during the week and also time difference doesn't help. I try to stay late to talk to him, but he doesn't show as much interest as I do and we have argued because he doesn't seem to be trying, i want to have long conversations as we used to but he always has something else to do. We text everyday but is just a couple texts and he takes long to reply and when we do talk on the phone he doesn't really talk i do most of the talking and he doesn't say much. I know he can't be on the phone all the time but i guess he could take part of his free time to talk to me. Does this mean he doesn't feel the same anymore? Am I being too clingy? Or does everyone else go through the same? I find myself being sad all the time and anxious on whether or not he'll have time to talk.

    You should talk with him about it. Tell him that for you it feels like he is disinterested.
    Maybe he doesn’t mean to make you feel that way but is unaware of it?
    Maybe you can make an agreement on calling like twice a week or whatever works for you.
    And tell him that when you do call you both take the time for it without being distracted.

    I think many of us are insecure in our LDR. And communication is key to make it work.
    My boyfriend works as a tour guide. Many of the girls are coming back to go on a tour with him.
    That does make insecure as well. And some days he just doesn’t have that much time to talk to me.
    It’s frustrating and all kind of thought get stuck in my head.
    When those thoughts really get me I just talk with him about it.
    We don’t stop talking until I am reassured that things are fine.
    He now tells me in the morning; i’ll have a busy day today so we won’t talk much.
    Then I know that I have nothing to worry about.
    LDR is hard and it only gets worse when you let those insecurities in.
    So make sure he can take them away from you!

