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Am I being too emotional?

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    Am I being too emotional?

    Hi all. First post here.
    I have been in a LDR for 5 months now. We live 3 and a half hours apart. We have met on several occasions and have just had a fantastic week away together.
    The problem I have is that every time we part after meeting I get over emotional and cry just thinking about him. Being without him makes me feel so lonely at times.
    He has been separated from his ex for a long time and they are getting divorced. He has a child and he is struggling to cope with not being with her all the time. I am always supportive when he is feeling down about this and give him advice and words of comfort. When I am feeling down about us I feel like I shouldn't say anything as he has enough to deal with and I am just adding to the pot. Of course I do end up mentioning how I feel and although he is supportive I can't help feeling that he is thinking I'm being ott. It's just so difficult because I want to be with him in a serious relationship but this divorce etc is taking its toll on him. I don't know what to do. Just be patient and let him come around? Tell him that I want to be together properly? I feel like I can't say I love you just incase it makes him feel trapped or something.
    Don't get me wrong he is very loving in his own way and when we are together it is amazing. I just struggle with the distance as I'm sure we all do.
    Anyway that's me babbling. Anyone been through something similar or have advice? Would be greatly appreciated. Struggling right now.

    Hello, and welcome!

    It is completely normal to have the emotions you are having after a visit. In fact, I am having them as I write this since I left my SO just yesterday. It really sucks and it does take a toll but the best advice I can give you is to always be honest and communicate with him. Yes, he may be going through a lot with his divorce and not seeing his daughter as much, but that does not make your feelings any less important. It's good to be patient and feel out how he is feeling before you bring anything up, make sure he is in a good head space, and if not, wait a few hours or the next day to talk about things. If he really cares about you, which it sounds like he does, then he will be understanding and not take his negative emotions out on you- just stay supportive like you have been already.

    There is nothing wrong with you wanting to be with him properly, and I am sure that will happen if you both want it, but give it time. Divorces are lengthy and at times can get ugly, especially when a child is involved.
    ~And ever has it been known that Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation~


      Thank you for your reply MsGrim.
      I feel a bit better knowing I'm not the only one going through this stuff. This separation anxiety is the worst.
      I think in the back of my mind I know he cares for me and wants to be with me, I guess I just like to have it reaffirmed sometimes. I feel so selfish for feeling this way knowing what he is going through but you can't help how you feel. I will get through this and we will get through this. Just got to see the bigger picture. I hope you are doing ok today. I'm glad I found this group to share these feelings with. Most people dont understand.
      Anyway thank you again.
      And if anyone else has advice or words of support they would be greatly received.


        As someone who's going through a whole lot of emotionally taxing things right now, I can relate completely. It's okay to be emotional, it's only natural, no one's a total stalwart 24/7. If they tell you otherwise, they're lying, because humans aren't indestructible. Keep in the forefront of your mind the certainty he cares, and don't ever be afraid to communicate with him. A relationship is nothing if one or both parties are scared to talk to the other for some reason. Takes two to tango.

