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Introducing my parents to my partner whom I met online?

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    Introducing my parents to my partner whom I met online?

    Hey all, about 8 months ago I met someone online (he's from England, I'm from America) and to make a long story short, we first became great friends and are now dating but I'm terrified of two, introducing him to my family as I don't really want to admit we met online and two, a bit of an age gap.

    I never thought I'd fall for a younger man but it just happened and we don't notice a difference but with how my parents are (they thought i was weird for dating a man only two years younger), this is incredibly scary because I really want them to accept it and not criticize me or assume he's immature when he's far from it. I'm soon to be 32 and he's 23 so we're 9 years apart. Luckily I don't look 32 and people often mistake me for 20 but unfortunately that won't save me when I tell my parents.

    Anyone have any advice at all or who were in a similar situation? It'll be hard enough to tell them we met online and that I'm now in a ldr with someone

    I think you should just be honest and up front with them. You are an adult perfectly capable of making sound decisions. Ultimately, you know what is best for yourself and I am sure they already know that. Just let them know he is mature for his age and ask them to not be judgemental until they actually meet him and get to know him a little better. Meeting someone online is not uncommon these days so maybe that's something you can mention to them as well?

    Best of luck!
    ~And ever has it been known that Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation~


      Me and my SO have had difficulties with this. His mum considered us to be "just friends", and my mum thinks any man met online is the worst guy in the world.
      My mum hasn't met him, in fact I don't think she even knows he exists yet.

      I have dated guys younger than me, but only by a handful of years. I've also gone the other way and dated someone over 20 years older. To me, age is just a number. You can date someone young who has a mature personality, and you can be with someone older who acts like a child.

      At the end of the day, I'd say to prepare yourself for the possibility that they will take it badly and be unsupportive, but hope for the best. You don't need their support or approval in the end, you only need that of yourself and your SO. It's nicer when you do have outside support, but not everyone will get it unfortunately. You know yourself best, so do what's best for you. Your parents don't have to like it, because at the end of the day it's your choice, not theirs.

      Maybe start of casually mentioning that you chat with someone online, and then graduate from there over time? It might help them to adjust to it.

