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What you're trying to deal with?

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    What you're trying to deal with?

    Hey everyone, I’m new in this forum and i’m currently in a LDR trying to find out how one could make his/her long-distance relationship a lot easier
    Which is why I have two very simple questions:
    1. What are the 2 biggest issues you’re dealing with in a LDR?
    2. Regarding your relationship, what would you wish for more than anything else (of course less distance but what behaviour from him/her and what from you)?
    Thanks so much in advance - looking forward to reading your answers!

    Biggest issues:
    1. Finances for us have been an issue- he currently does not have an income since he goes to school full time and I am a single parent with no help from my daughters father.
    2. His parents are very religious and would not approve of me therefore leaving our future questionable.

    What I wish:
    He is pretty hesitant telling his parents about me, in fact that is his main concern for us and where we will end up in this relationship; if there is a future at all. He says his family will abandon him due to their culture and expectations of him marrying into the religion. With that being said he is not sure if he wants to ever tell them about me. My wish is that he would at least try; his relationship with them will heal whether I am in the picture or not. Him not trying will hurt even more than him trying and us ending up going separate ways.
    ~And ever has it been known that Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation~


      Biggest Issues:
      1) Finances. He can only find casual paid work as opposed to something more stable.
      2) Flexibility. I am only allowed out of state for 2 weeks per year cause of welfare restrictions, and he has no passport (as yet) to visit me.

      What I wish
      That he would put in more effort to our relationship, despite his mental health, like I do. I feel like he is his own worst enemy when he is low. Though I am a bit of a hypocrite, cos at the moment I'm isolating the same as him. Having said that, I am sending things to him to help him feel better. Meanwhile, 6 weeks after my birthday, I am still waiting on the card he was making me for it. Even though I told him about it a month before my birthday.


        biggest issues
        1. The way we think about health and healthy living. A specially food is a big issue since that’s a huge thing in the Javanese culture.
        But I think that their food isn’t really healthy, they bake everything in oil and put too much salt in everything. So I never eat much when I am there cause I can really feel my blood pressure rise. My bf is always worried that I don’t eat enough and his family believes that I am way to thin but my BMI is good.
        2. Him coming to visit me. I really want him to visit me one day but there is a big difference in our financial situation.
        He doesn’t want me to pay his ticket and visa but I am totally fine with it because him visiting my family means so much to me.
        But his pride gets in the way, which I can also understand but it’s something we now and then argue about.

        What I wish
        I wish he would tell me a little bit more about his son and their bond.
        His son lives with him now since a month and he always avoids to talk about him.
        For example; he tells me that he went out for dinner with his nephews but he leaves out that his son was joining them too.
        And at first he didn’t even tell me that his son was at his place and there to stay.
        I don’t know why he never says a word about him but in a few months I am going to meet him and that he can’t avoid.
        I just wish I would know a little bit more about him and that my bf would have enough trust in me to tell me about him.
        So that I know what kind of boy he is and what I should expect when I get there.

