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Does LDR works? How to stop overthinking and Trust.

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    Does LDR works? How to stop overthinking and Trust.

    We were together for 11 months now and was very close and intimate. We supported each others dream, thats why even it feels sad that he had to leave the country for a year for his future i supported him.. He is 36 and Im 27, I had my job here but still pursuing for a much more challenging and satisfying career.. Its been week that we are far from each other and its my first time being in a Long Disatance Relationship. He updates me and know some of here whereabouts, constant chats. But when he Dont answer a call and dont talk much to me, i feel bad. Its like he was hiding something from me. He cancel calls and just chatted me he was tired from work. I started to feel agitated and ask him whats wrong with him, that he is not like that. He ask whats wrong with me, why i cant understand that he was just tired. But i think there is something wrong. Am I just overthinking? Should i stop acting like this. He might feel i dont trust him.

    It's difficult to adjust from having your SO there every day to relying on a text to hear from him. I think a lot of people on this forum can relate to having anxiety about all the unknowns. However, I do think you need to relax and take him at his word. Moving countries, adjusting, figuring out a new rhythm is exhausting mentally and emotionally, so it just may not be feasible for him to be able to have a phone call. You trusted him for 11 months a week ago; maybe take some time to focus on why you trusted him before and remember those when the anxiety hits. Give him several weeks to a month to get settled, and then if you still don't feel like your needs are being met, have a conversation about how much communication you need to have. However, you have to try to be realistic; you both have your own lives and you can't stop living your lives just because they aren't physically together at the moment. LDRs are hard, but they aren't impossible if you keep on keeping on. My SO and I have been long distance for five years now. It would never have happened if we didn't choose to trust each other and figure out a level of communication that works for us. Best of luck!


      Thank you for the advise.

