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Update on our first time meeting!

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    Update on our first time meeting!

    For those who read my first post in the community, my girlfriend and I were in an 8 month long distance relationship spreading 1300 miles, Pennsylvania to Texas. Well, November 11th came quick and at 12:00AM on November 12th, I was sitting in the airport with my family waiting for her. Standing there with purple roses waiting for her. My mom had saw her first and told me she was coming and I instantly got butterflies, and I hid next to a wall. I turned my head and saw her and started shaking and couldn't stop looking at her. She couldn't stop smiling and I gave her the roses. She grabbed me and wouldn't let go. I honestly felt everything all at once. I kept telling her how nervous, how exicted, and how unreal it felt. I was sick to my stomach because of how nervous I was. We kept walking to baggage claim and we went to the parking lot to meet back up with my parents. We packed her stuff into the car and everyone got in but us, and I just grabbed her face and kissed her. I felt a spark, I felt love, I felt everything possible, even more so than just that hug.

    We get her something to eat and head back home, and we sit downstairs talking to my mom for a long time, almost 3 or 4 hours until 4:30AM. We went to lay down and we couldn't sleep. We kept talking and talking. Won't mention the other details. That morning we woke up, came downstairs and talked to my family members, and ended up going for a drive to the country side near Philadelphia so she could see what it was really like up here, and she kept looking at me and wouldn't stop smiling. We just kept talking during the ride and took our time. Finally we ended up going out to eat for dinner and came home, and relaxed.

    That Tuesday night I had fallen asleep with her and decided I was going to ask her to marry me the next day. So, Wednesday morning we woke up, and I told her we were going to Love Park in the city. We got on our way and I decided to goto the Philadelphia Art Museum first. We got there and kept taking pictures, until finally we came to the Rocky Statue. She is in love with Sylvester Stallone and the Rocky series. It's her favorite film series and he is her favorite actor. We were standing in line to take pictures when a guy asked if she was my sister and I said no, she was my girlfriend, and he kept looking back and forth at us like how did this schmuck get a girl like her, and told me in two years, put a ring on her finger. Little did she or anyone else know that I was going to. So we get towards the statue and I gave my phone to a photographer for us, and as she was walking towards the left corner, I pulled the box from my pocket, got on one knee as she began to turn, and I asked her to marry me.

    Everyone, even random people were recording and taking pictures of us, but she? She had her face in her hands crying, and she was so shocked. She leaned into kiss me and said yes, and I stood up and put it on her finger. It felt unreal she actually said yes, and it was on our 8 month anniversay. I decided to show her the rest of the museum and the rocky steps, which I raced her up and won, but when we left, I took her to Love Park, and then we found parking. For the rest of the afternoon and night, we spent roaming Center City, Independence Hall, and other areas, getting lost. It was amazing. It felt so unreal, it felt so natural and comfortable. It was like she belonged. We got home after a bit of time after my phone and her phone had basically died. We laid in bed and cuddled, and she asked if she could stay. I wanted her to, more than anything.

    The rest of the week was filled with dates, and cuddling, and just everything I could've ever asked for. So many things to go into detail about, but that day I took her to the airport to drop her off, it was hard. I couldn't stop crying and neither could she. It hurt so bad letting her leave, because she wanted to stay and I wanted her to so bad.

    She got home safely, but my room, my pillows, my blankets, everything. They all smell like her and it now feels like she was never here, even though there's proof. Even now that were facetiming again until January, it feels so unreal still. I miss her, and she misses me. I love seeing her in my clothes though, especially when she tells me she loves the smell of them and me.

    I'll be going down to Texas in January for my birthday, and she'll be coming back up at the end of March/Beginning of April for good.

    Will post pictures soon!

    Congrats to you and her both! What a great visit it sounds like! The wait from now until January will fly by and you will be together again! Congrats again on the proposal! <3
    ~And ever has it been known that Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation~


      Originally posted by MsGrim View Post
      Congrats to you and her both! What a great visit it sounds like! The wait from now until January will fly by and you will be together again! Congrats again on the proposal! <3
      Thank you! It was amazing!


        Thanks for sharing. Made me smile




            Awww Love this ❤
            Sounds like my 1st meeting with the bf


              Just an update! Instead of going down in January, she's moving in with me in the beginning of January!


                Originally posted by Sfoley97 View Post
                Just an update! Instead of going down in January, she's moving in with me in the beginning of January!
                How wonderful! This is amazing and I am so happy for you two! Congrats!
                ~And ever has it been known that Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation~

