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What is one thing you would like to change in your behaviour?

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    What is one thing you would like to change in your behaviour?

    What would you like to change in your personal behaviour right now? (it could be jealousy, feeling lonely and all the other feelings/emotions)

    I'm really curious about how you're feeling right now? Today i'm happy but it could happen being blue

    I would like to increase my body confidence - definitely something I am going to be starting to work on.


      I’ve had a bad week. Hopefully today is the start of a better mental state for me. But I wish I could stop inventing situations in my head and thinking about them so much they become almost reality for me.
      I then start bitching at my SO and he’s at a loss because to his mind there’s no reason why... at my age and experience I thought I was over all this .
      Apart from that, life’s grand 🤣


        I would love to change my paranoia and anxiety...and maybe my body confidence. I have days of sheer torture where I keep dreaming up scenarios of him cheating or going off with someone else when my rational mind is just like "It's called a job you loon!" We both work pretty crazy hours and time together can be short but I have came leaps and bounds since we first got together, more so for addressing that at the time I was the issue as my past used to haunt me causing flares up of depression. It happens to us all I think and it's just a matter of taking the good with the bad and working on what makes you feel better.
        When they stand before us they find...A force they were not ready for.


          I am pretty okay with where I am at right now, but if I had to choose something then it would be my motivation. I tend to lose motivation when I know I really need to get something done or stay consistent in anything I start (working out, studying for class, etc.)

          Today I am feeling bittersweet; I just left my SO yesterday so a little sadness from leaving but also a lot of thankfulness that I was able to spend 4 days with him rather than the usual day and 1/2.
          ~And ever has it been known that Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation~


            I would like to not run things over in my mind constantly, and just let them go. It would give me more time to focus on other things and saw my energy a little.

            I also need to work on my motivation and get more active!

            I also could work on my self esteem a little. Sometimes I have niggling thoughts that I wonder why my SO likes me. I know that sounds very lame, but I am super self critical. So, yeah, practising more self-love is a big one for me 😊
            "The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again".
            -Charles Dickens


              To stop feeling hurt by realities that neither of us can really control, like the fact he has to go back home alone to visit. It's been almost three years since I got to visit India, and I so wanted to be able to travel with him this time.


                To stop over thinking everything
                To not have crying as my stress reaction
                Trying to hide my lack of confidence through overtalking


                  I think in life when you are coexisting in a partnership.. Understanding that people change.. Enhancing each other's lives and not to change each other..

                  I think the hardest behavior to understand is when we include someone else in our lives...
                  People change.. Understanding that life happens.. Sometimes things are out of our control..

                  As an individual... It is my job to make sure I am happy within myself.. If I find I am struggling in an area in my life. I need to find a way to make my life better.. It is no one else's job..

                  I am not perfect.. I over think.. Overall. I go about my life to be a good person.. That alone.. No matter what difficulties arise within myself. Staying positive overrides any over thinking I do.. Any anxiety I suffer..

