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I am tired of love! I don’t know how To deal with these people anymore

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    I am tired of love! I don’t know how To deal with these people anymore

    The past few year have been no vacation for me as relationships go. I met someone who I felt in love withwe will call him (Paul) but knew that it wouldn’t work due to the distance etc. but we kept in touch despite. He always contacted me and I responded. And we kept getting closer even thought we didn’t see each other. 1 year after I met Paul I thought that the best cure was to find someone else.
    so I did !
    Just So you don’t get confused we will call him (Art) and he said he was madly in love and we had a good time together and then 6 months later He proposed And I thought we should live together before marriage to see how we felt. He was going to law school at night and I was very supportive of it. Until he started coming home and not talking with me. Even when I was right there trying to talk to him asking how I could help. Until I couldn’t take his silence anymore and decided to leave. So great out of a bad situation. But still (Paul) who was geographically unavailable kept calling and I just kept answering. Now I am here in this site 4 years later with the - Art begging me to go back! Even thought it’s been 2 years since I left!
    Paul says he loves me but does nothing to show it. Now that I finally got fed up and decided I had enough he decided he is coming to see me because he doesn’t want to leave me.
    And just this Sunday my college sweet heat decided that he too love me . But doesn’t know how to deal with it.
    Wtf!!! Did love stop meaning anything to this people.
    Or is something wrong with me . That they won’t commit nor will they let me go. I am so confused my feelings are all over the place. I wish I could desapear most of the time.
    I know for sure I don’t love Art!
    But it’s been so long since I’ve seen Paul that I think I love him. But feel confused most of the time. And as for the college boyfriend I really loved him and we do meet from time to time but for fun. I never expected him to say that he loves me. His argument is that he always did but was afraid since we were so young. But we never lost touch. At this point I need some clarity. Or maybe just to be slapped out of it.
    Last edited by Steff13; January 19, 2020, 10:00 PM.

    You don’t love Art nor your high school sweet heart. So you can just tell them, they are not the problem.
    Maybe you should meet Paul? Once you see him you probably know how you feel about him I think..

