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Losing my mind over LDR

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    Losing my mind over LDR

    I'm in an LDR with my girl that I want to spend the rest of my life with, and she expressed the same feelings to me as well. But I feel like little things bother me.

    For example she was at work yesterday and we were texting and she went into a meeting. She had later gotten out but did not text me. Instead I was sharing stuff with her on social media which she responded to pretty quickly.

    So almost an hour later I text her basically asking what's up and she's like oh sorry I forgot to respond here.

    This makes me think that she doesn't look forward to talking to me as I do. She's always on my mind so I always have on the back of my mind as to what state our conversation is in. And when she says she forgot it makes me feel like she's not as invested?
    I brought this up to her and I feel like she's less inclined to talk/text me now

    LDRs can be stressful but above all, just remain calm. She may have been busy at work and genuinely forgot to message you back. Ive found that its important for you to have your own life outside of your relationship or else you will drive yourself crazy waiting on them to message you back all the time. This doesn't make your relationship any less special. Just be calm and patient with her, I'm sure she will message you once shes able to.
    ~And ever has it been known that Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation~


      I had a similar thing happen with us. I promised to text my SO when I had gotten to work. There was something wrong with my car and he was a bit worried. However, by the time I actually got to work (and everything was ok) I was running kind of late and, omg, I forgot to text him. And I couldn’t even get to my phone for a few hours after that! Needless to say he was also feeling pretty uncertain and wondering what had happened.

      From my perspective, I really do think about him all the time. So it wasn’t reflective of me being less invested. It was just because I was so caught up, and thinking about work, that it didn’t occur to me in the moment of time I had.

      Your gf was most likely still thinking about work and her day. I know it can be easy to think that it means she is less invested, but I promise you, it does not mean that at all.

      Please try not to get accusatory and angry with her, as that is what could really cause some damage to your relationship.

      All the best to you, and definitely vent here if you need to. There is a lot of support available.
      "The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again".
      -Charles Dickens

