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Losing my mind and don't know how to stop :o(

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    Losing my mind and don't know how to stop :o(

    Hi I have been with my boyfriend for about two years now. We met in a country where we used to live and then he moved away. We have always had an end time and a 'move in' date but it keeps getting pushed back. The longer this takes and the length of time between visits is making me go crazy in my own head.
    I am thinking paranoid thoughts and the spiral out of control sometimes to the point where I make myself cry and convince myself it is all too hard or that he doesn't want me any more. (God this sounds bad doesn't it?) He is actually a wonderful person and know he loves me I just get myself into a rut thinking he is going to lose interest. Is there anything anyone can suggest that might help?
    I have wonderful friends where I live and exercise regularly, socialise regularly and have a routine. We talk easily 4 or 5 times a day. I have no reason to be paranoid and I know this deep down, it's like my brain is programmed to think the worst and I hate it.
    I know this sounds depressing and I am sorry, I think I am over whelming him with my emotions and needed to talk to someone else.

    Any suggestions?

    I can do relate to your story. I am also the kind of person who’s upsetting herself while I have nothing to worry about when it comes to my bf.
    I don’t have any advice but to sleep on it before you tell your bf all these negative thoughts. When you take the time to overthink them you will see that these thoughts aren’t the truth. And it that way you can put your thoughts in perspective.
    Good luck on you. Don’t lose faith, LDR is hard sometimes but worth it at the end!

