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First kiss to come?

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    First kiss to come?

    This was on my mind today ...

    Does anybody else imagine what your first kiss with your SO will be like, if you haven't been able to do so yet? Are you nervous about it, or do you think it'll just come really naturally? Have you and your SO talked about it or are you trying not to jinx it (kinda like me )?

    If it will be your first time actually meeting them in person, how does that make you feel? What do you think you will do or how will you react? What about your SO?

    David and I were around each other in person, but only as friends, so the whole boyfriend-girlfriend aspect will be a very new and interesting experience when I go to see him. Normally I would probably be a little stressed about it, but with him I'm actually not. I think it will come easy as pie I'm also going to try reeeeally hard not to attack him with kisses right there in the airport...

    I was told he'd kiss me without warning, so I imagine there'd be a good deal of screaming just out of shock. I'm not terribly conventional. But seeing how this is my first proper kiss (my first ever kiss was stolen by a guy who ended up harassing me) I imagine there would be a lot of fumbling on my part. Heck we might just end up staring at each other for a while before one of us grows the gonads to at least try.


      As I'm leaving for the airport to make my trip to see him for the first time ever in less than 12 hours, I can safely say that yeah, I've certainly been thinking about this alot! If he does kiss me (as he continues to say he shall) this'll be my first real kiss (kiss night at the theater doesn't count for nothing!!), so I've certainly got quite the butterflies. I'm so unbelievably shy I'm actually very worried that if he tries to kiss me I may even pull away or stop him, which would totally give the wrong idea! But pretty much the extreme fear and ultimate excitement have just about cancelled each other out at this point, leaving me in a very dazed fog xD


        Yes I do all the time x3 I imagine that he will probably kiss me at the airport. He's told me repeatedly that he would probably kiss me the first moment he sees me because he wouldn't be able to control himself. When he first told me that was what he was gonna do I was like ....*blushes* Maybe we should wait for a special moment but now that I thought it over I'm kinda warming up to the idea of him kissing me at the airport It would probably be a sweet but awkward kind of kiss just because both of us have never kissed someone before (well excluding family xD)

        First Met Online: May 08
        Became a Couple: 4.11.09
        First Visit: 7.27.11 - 8.11.11
        Second Visit: 9.15.12 - 9.23.12
        Third Visit: 7.6.13 - 7.14.13


          I have no clue what it will be like. I'd love to think 'Gone with the Wind' but maybe it's just going to be awkward and sweet. I really don't know, it will just be nice to be there after all this time. *blows a kiss to Sllver across the oceans*


            Yes! I think about this a lot. I'm not too concerned with it being in a special place or anything. I plan on kissing him at the airport! I've waited this long, I'm not going to wait longer just for a special moment! I'm a little nervous, I guess. But I think it will be natural for us.
            First conversation 11.5.09 First meeting 11.7.10 Closed the distance 5.14.14 Married 6.14.14



              Originally posted by 5000miles View Post
              Yes! I think about this a lot. I'm not too concerned with it being in a special place or anything. I plan on kissing him at the airport! I've waited this long, I'm not going to wait longer just for a special moment! I'm a little nervous, I guess. But I think it will be natural for us.
              Lisa and I had our first kiss in the airport. But once I saw her, we could have been on the moon and I wouldn't have noticed where we were. It was like we were the only people there that day. I was really nervous, but I was crazy for her. It was all that It was all that I had imagined and more.

              5K: Like you said, just let it happen.
              I'm carrying your love with me.
              West Virginia down to Tennessee.
              I'll be movin' with the good Lord's speed.
              Carrying your love with me.
              It's my strength for holdin' on,
              Every minute that I have to be gone.
              I'll have everything I ever need.
              Carrying your love with me.

              ~George Strait


                Originally posted by 5000miles View Post
                Yes! I think about this a lot. I'm not too concerned with it being in a special place or anything. I plan on kissing him at the airport! I've waited this long, I'm not going to wait longer just for a special moment! I'm a little nervous, I guess. But I think it will be natural for us.
                Any place can be special when your with the right person. My first kiss with Will was at the airport, and it was perfect! Try not to be nervous. I was insanely nervous, but as soon as we were together I felt silly for being nervous because it was so natural being with him.


                  Originally posted by will View Post
                  Lisa and I had our first kiss in the airport. But once I saw her, we could have been on the moon and I wouldn't have noticed where we were. It was like we were the only people there that day. It was all that I had imagined and more.

                  5K: Like you said, just let it happen.
                  Lol I didn't know you were posting at the same time. Good thing we agree though


                    Before our first kiss I would imagine all day how it would be. We talked about it, if we should make it at the airport, or the place we were driving after to have a picnic in the forest. But then we said it would be when it happens. Let it go natural. So at the airport my first reaction was to hug him, then we kissed in the forest. It was not like I imagined it before, it just came with the moment and that made it special!


                      I totally think about this a lot too...I thought it was a girl thing, but I think guys think of it too, just not voice it outloud Mark and I were just talking about this last night. We each had our own vision of where we would want it to happen, but then we decided that it would be better if we just let it come natural. If we plan it too much it will feel almost robotic. So it might be right when we first see eachother, or it could be a couple hours in to it, or a day. Whenever/whereever...doesn't matter. Only thing that matters is finally feeling his lips on mine

                      Have you ever heard this song? Its called "First Kiss" by Mandy Moore


                      I love listening to this song
                      Last edited by agentholli; September 30, 2010, 09:23 PM. Reason: I am stupid and I can't get the video embedded on here, so you get the link.


                        I love that I just came across this post. I just experienced my first kiss with him last Thursday!! I had all these same feelings. I didn't know what to expect. He promised he'd kiss me but I didn't know when! I was sooooo nervous! But when we first saw each other, it was exactly like a scene out of a movie. We ran to each other. I threw my arms around him and he kissed me. Just like that. After that, I couldn't stop kissing him and all of my worries went away. So did his. We laugh now about how nervous we both were.

