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Lost. Not talking as we used to

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    Lost. Not talking as we used to

    Hey guys !
    There is a lot of things going on but I'll try to make it short ^^

    So, my boyfriend and I have been dating for 2 years now and in a LDR for 1 year and a half.
    The first year distance was not an issue but since my last visit we don't know how to deal with it anymore.

    There is a lot of things going on on his side, I understand and respect it. But I feel like I can't talk to him like we used to.
    We did a break for few days because we were too focus on our relationship and not on our personal happiness. We needed to take a step back but I feel like he too a HUGE step back. Before that we were talking a lot about closing the gap, looking for solutions, moving together etc.. He wanted to buy a house and was talking as a couple like : it will be OUR house, I was going to make the decorations inside to feel like MY house and a lot of things like that. But since the break, he bought a house, and he's not talking about "us" anymore. And that hurts.

    Also, I am the only one looking for solutions to close the gap. I feel like he's not concerned as much as I am. But he showed me he was but he's not making any researches..

    The thing that is driving me crazy is that he's being active on social medias but he's not answering my texts. And I know he's on his phone and not computer.... We used to send "sexto" but we are not anymore and I feel like he's not attracted about me. I could understand his libido went down because of all the things going on on his side. But when I send him a picture he doesn't have the same reaction he used to. Just a "good" with nothing else. No emojis nothing.

    I know I am paying a lot of attention to details but this is who I am..

    I'm going to visit him in few weeks. So I don't know if I should talk to him now or wait until I see him.

    I don't want to break up. I see my life with him but I am feeling completely lost. And it hurts.. All of that affects my emotions and my physic..

    I’d wait till you get there and talk face to face. You both deserve that much after 2 years together.


      Yeah I think I will wait until to see him. But it's kinda driving me crazy to not telling him everything I am feeling right now. But also, talking face to face is so important to me..


        Could you just simply ask him if anything is up? You don’t have to be accusatory. Maybe create an opportunity for him to open up and ask him if there is anything he wants to talk about or address in your relationship. Hopefully he will want to explain some of these things to you. If he is evasive, then I would wait til you are in person and have a proper heart to heart. Good luck!
        "The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again".
        -Charles Dickens

