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I don't know if it's ghosting...

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    I don't know if it's ghosting...

    Hi all, so I didn't find someone in the exactly same position as me so open a thread... I really need advice and because my friends don't really understand my relationship so I post that here.

    So actually, I'm in a LDR with someone for just 1 month and I can call I'm my first love so it's really complicated for me to know how to react in relationship. So we start talking in an app for learn languages and actually in the beginning it was just friendship... So we speak about 5 hours by day just by texting but we have so much in common that is crazy in like 1 weeks we already know all of the other it was crazy haha.
    And so in a little time he start to admit this feeling for me, and I was really not for it in the beginning because well even when I'm with someone in like real I never fell in love so I was thinking that it's impossible in LDR. But well I'm starting to feel the same way...

    It make like I thinks 2 weeks after he admit is feeling for become a real couple. In the plan we can meet for the first time in April because I already plan a trip before meeting him in that country so we was so excited to see each other. Well now because of Corona I can't go in April but it's not the real problem because he said can wait for me.

    Now our relationship change a little even a little before I telling him I can't go in his place. Because now we speak like 10 message by day is the maximum and he said he's always tired or sleeping even in the week end days. Sometimes he see my text and just don't answer and answer 1 day after... He have a really hard work and he can have hours in the night so I was always concerned about that and understand him but now I'm feeling that is weird because why in the beginning he was not like that... Maybe it's because he just want me and now he have me he don't want? Or maybe because I have anxiety sometimes so he feel tired too relax me? Or maybe I just imagined things idk

    Now it's been 2 week that we are like that... Sometimes he speak about future with me even in 4 years it's a big future haha and sometimes just idk... We already speak about that and tell me that we're not forced to text each other all day. I can understand but it's my first love and I need to be reassured about our love. Well that's my situation I really need advice idk really if the problem is me or not

    I forgot to tell maybe things that are important but I need quick advice I'm getting crazy haha
    Thanks for people you read that 😉
    Last edited by hihi55; March 16, 2020, 06:06 AM.

    Maybe he is just really busy and now that he is with you as a couple he can let go of the texting a bit.
    I feel like most of us go through periods like this.
    Sometimes the texting becomes less, it makes you feel insecure but it doesn’t really have to be something bad.

    You are in this relationship so shortly, just give it some time.
    If he really likes you he stays in touch, keeps talking about the further together etc.
    If he is not that into you anymore he’ll probably just tell you.
    Maybe you can make an agreement; if one day you find out that you don’t want to be in the relationship anymore just tell me. Don’t ghost me. Or something like that.
    Stay calm and keep faith!


      Originally posted by Junglebook View Post
      Maybe you can make an agreement; if one day you find out that you don’t want to be in the relationship anymore just tell me. Don’t ghost me.
      My SO and I made this promise at the beginning of the relationship. It really has put some comfort in the relationship... At this point, though, I don't think either of us would be able to ghost the other because of much we mean to each other.. but it does allow some comfort knowing that our promise was made.
      ~And ever has it been known that Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation~


        Thanks for the answers I got... Yes I think it's maybe just me but now it's getting more serious... He see my text and choose to ignore them I know that and when I speak of''don' t ghost me, tell me if you want to broke '' he just answer I have many occasion in this time, you have to wait... Things like that, I don't understand him because he made so much for us to become a couple and now it's just weird.(it's complicated to know what happen in this life like if he have work and pressure I can't know that if he don't speak to me...)

        I speak with him of things really important about us and I feel that he just don't care about that... So since yesterday I don't text him and I will see what happen if he realizes what he do or finnaly see that we need to discuss.

