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New and Troubled

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    New and Troubled

    Hi all!
    I found this site a couple days ago and was filled with joy that there are people that feel the same that I do. My boyfriend and I are coming up on 5 months come the 27th, and although that isn't a long time, it feels like it. I have brought up meeting a bunch of times and he brushes it off a bunch. I am 18 and he is 21, but his parents don't approve of long distance relationships and my parents are uneasy about me flying 2,000 miles away to meet him for the first time by myself. Each time we talk about it, I get more and more frustrated. Shouldn't he be as excited as I am to want to plan something this big? I pressed a little harder tonight than usual and asked if he would be included in the planning. He means so much to me and he's my best friend. Does anyone have any advice?
    Thanks a bunch guys!

    I would say to not get frustrated with him, this may be a bigger step to him than you realize... OR he can be like my SO and gets totally stressed out when we try and plan things, lol. He is an over thinker and so stuff like this (so many moving parts) is kind of big deal to him. I wouldn't press him too hard right now with the way things are, traveling is inadvisable right now, even domestically.

    Let him know that you are excited to meet him but you want him to be comfortable as well.. you both need to be on the same page with this so the meeting is rather pleasurable without the feeling of pressure. You are both young and still at the age where you rely on your parents for the most part so this my have something to do with his feelings as well. Communicate with him, get his view on things, DEFINITELY include him on the planning, and figure out a time frame where it both safe and works out for the both of you... Don't rush the meeting if he is not ready.
    ~And ever has it been known that Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation~

