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A little update from me

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    A little update from me

    Hi everyone, I hope you all are managing ok during this very unsettling time. It’s so hard for everyone but I feel it hits LDRs all the harder. Not knowing about flying and travel is awful.

    I was lucky enough to still be able to spend 3 wonderful weeks with my SO. He left a couple of days ago, after a last minute cancellation by the airline and many stressful phone calls and flight rebookings. Still! We got there in the end and I feel very very lucky to have spent this time with him.

    Ofc I feel a bit lost and empty without him now. Life goes back to the way it was and I miss him so much. But we are both more determined than ever to see each other again (who knows when that can be!) and to keep working towards closing the distance.

    There were some truly magical moments we had on our trip. On the first day, we even had a stranger smile at us and tell us to stop being so cute 😆 It was so much fun.

    The only hardship we face was spending time with my kids. This was the first time he met them. Things were ok with my son and we had some fun together. But my older daughter said she hates him and was rude and very difficult. We ended up having to change plans because things got too stressful.

    I hope we can overcome these issues though because I think we work well as a team and could build something really fulfilling together. Having him here in my life was just so amazing and proved to me that I want him in my life for a long time, if not forever ❤️

    Also, when we said goodbye at the airport, it was the first time he ever told me he loved me. I guess that might seem a bit strange but my SO is very careful about such things and would never say it unless he truly meant it. I know that’s why he hasn’t said it until now.

    So that made me feel on cloud 9 ofc!!! 😍🥰🌈

    I just wanted to post a happy story cos I know things are really tough for everyone at the moment. Hang in there everyone! We can get through this! 💪
    "The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again".
    -Charles Dickens

    That's lovely!
    I really enjoyed reading that!
    I got my first I love you from my SO last week. He said he wanted to save it to tell me in person (he'd been feeling that way for a while), but we don't know when that will be, so he messaged me and told me on the phone. It made dreadful week much better.

    You take care and thank you for this post xxx


      Thanks Kate, and I’m so sorry your plans didn’t work out. That must still be so so hard. I really hope things improve soon and you guys will meet sooner rather than later.

      Can’t wait to hear about it when it happens!!
      "The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again".
      -Charles Dickens

